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人民共和国成立前,我在上海十里洋场度过十几年,见到过各色各样的外国人。租界里驻有英国、美国、法国、意大利军队,军营前悬挂着他们的国旗,门口的卫兵对过往行人怒目而视,俨然是这块土地的主人。黄浦江上来往行驶的是飘着五颜六色旗帜的军舰,外滩和杨树浦常能见到上岸寻欢作乐的水兵。马路上,上海人称之为“红头阿三”的印度籍巡捕对中国老百姓挥舞警棍,趾高气扬。洋行大亨、金融巨头们大多是远涉重洋到上海这个“冒险家的乐园”来,靠吮吸中国人的血发财致富,把滚滚流入自己腰包的黄金银元存到伦敦纽约巴黎瑞士的银行里,再在上海修建高楼大厦、花园别墅。他们同中国反动政权的官僚勾结,操纵着上海以至全国的经济命脉。大街小巷 Before the founding of the People’s Republic of China, I spent over ten years in Shanghai’s Mainland and met a great variety of foreigners. In the concession there are British, American, French and Italian troops stationed in front of the barracks with their national flags. The guards at the gate are glared over past pedestrians as if they were the masters of the land. Traveling from the Huangpu River is a warship with colorful flags floating on the Bund and Yang Shu Pu can often see the pleasure of landing the sailors. On the road, the Indian people, whom the people of Shanghai call “red-headed Asan,” waved their batons to the Chinese people with arrogance. Foreign tycoon, most of the financial giants are far from oceans to Shanghai this “adventurer’s paradise ”, by sucking the blood of Chinese people get rich, the billions of dollars into the pockets of gold and silver deposited in London, New York, Paris, Switzerland’s bank , Then build high-rise buildings in Shanghai, Garden Villa. They colluded with the bureaucrats of the reactionary regimes in China and manipulated the economic lifeline of Shanghai and the whole country. The streets
今后盲人也能像正常人一样使用计算机,享受网络冲浪、收发电子邮件的乐趣了。由中科院计算机语言信息工程研究中心等单位共同研制开发的“中国盲文计算机系统”已经通过了专家鉴定。  该系统解决了多种编码的盲汉文通用输入问题,使盲人用户可以用盲文点字、键盘拼音及基于语音提示的标准输入法等多种输入方式输入盲文、汉字、英文ASCII码等多种文字,并在键盘输入时提供语音解释和联想词。系统还提供了汉语到多种盲文编码的
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胸怀祖国,放眼世界,是上网族最大的快乐。联入电脑信息网络,第一个愿望就是想看看外面的世界有多精彩。打开浏览器,敲入 http://www.wps.com.au/travel/travhom e.htm,电脑
一、填空题:(每小题3分,共30分) 1.对角线__的平行四边形是菱形。 2.已知一个多边形的内角和等于它的外角和,那么这个多边形有__条边。 3.顺次连结任意四边形的四边中点所构
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