
来源 :中小学电教(下半月) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:myeclipse76
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在现在的教学过程中,我发现在周围的许多教师中,由于教学思想上的惯性,残留在部分教师头脑中的传统的教育观念和思想不能立即消除,仍然妨碍着学生创新能力的培养,影响着新课程的实施。因此在新课程物理教学中,身为一线的物理教师,必须大力改革传统的实验教学模式,充分发挥学生思维的主动性,促进学生创造性思维的培养,提高学生的创新能力。基于现在的情况,我对物理实验教学的几点看法如下。 In the current teaching process, I found that among the many teachers around me, due to the inertia of teaching ideas, the traditional concepts and ideas of education that remain in the minds of some teachers cannot be eliminated immediately, which still hinders the cultivation of students’ creative ability. The implementation of the new curriculum. Therefore, in the new curriculum physics teaching, as the first-line physics teacher, we must vigorously reform the traditional experimental teaching mode, give full play to the initiative of students’ thinking, promote the cultivation of students’ creative thinking, and improve students’ innovative ability. Based on the current situation, my opinions on physics experiment teaching are as follows.
研究发现,太阳照射地球1 min的能源足够让全球人类使用1年。我们知道,植物的光合作用可以将水和二氧化碳转化为有机物和氧气,地球表面70%被水覆盖,如果能够将太阳能、水以及
Tom:Why did you miss school yesterday, Bob? Bob:I went to the dentist because I had a toothache. Tom: Tom: Why did you miss school yesterday, Bob? Bob: I went
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据《Gas Turbine World》2012年11-12月刊报道,通过水电解生产氢气可以将风力涡轮剩余电力储备起来,氢供储存或在需要时与燃料混合生产电力。现已有3个项目同时在建设和试运
白起是中国历史上的名将,以善于用兵而闻名。  白起年轻时就表现出超人的军事才能,攻城掠地,屡战屡胜。《史记》记载,白起率军攻打韩国和魏国,杀敌二十四万,俘虏了魏将公孙喜。占领了五个城邑。不久又进攻魏国,夺取了大小城邑六十一个。在以后的几年中,白起多次进攻赵国、楚国,占领了数十个城邑,还攻下了楚国的都城,改为南郡。后来再次进攻魏国,俘虏了魏国三员大将,杀敌十三万。又与赵将贾偃交战,把贾偃的士兵二万余
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