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朊蛋白是研究普通菜豆遗传多样性的一种重要且有效的生化标记。本试验通过SDS-PAEG凝胶电泳检测中国普通菜豆种质资源的朊蛋白变异类型,分析中国普通菜豆种质资源的遗传多样性及组成特点。来自中国13个省(自治区)的445份供试材料共检测到S、Sb、Sd、B、C、CA、T、PA、To、H、H1、CH 12种朊蛋白类型,表明中国普通菜豆种质朊蛋白变异类型丰富,遗传多样性水平较高。其中,Sb型朊蛋白种质最多,占比29.0%;T型其次,占比28.1%。依据朊蛋白类型在不同基因库的特异性,将研究材料明显地区分为中美基因库和安第斯基因库两大类。研究还发现中国普通菜豆种质资源中地方种质朊蛋白类型变异丰富,多样性明显高于现代育成品种或品系。最后,对种质朊蛋白类型与百粒重、子粒颜色、粒型进行相关性分析,结果表明朊蛋白类型与百粒重呈极显著正相关,而朊蛋白类型与子粒颜色、粒型2个性状之间无明显相关性。本研究结果将为普通菜豆种质资源的保护及有效地挖掘优质种质资源提供理论依据。 Prion is an important and effective biochemical marker for studying the genetic diversity of common bean. In this study, we detected the variations of Prion protein in common bean germplasm resources in China by SDS-PAGE gel electrophoresis and analyzed the genetic diversity and compositional characteristics of common bean germplasm resources in China. A total of 445 samples of S, Sb, Sd, B, C, CA, T, PA, To, H, H1 and CH were detected from 445 samples from 13 provinces in China, Variety of the species of prion protein is abundant, with a high level of genetic diversity. Among them, Sb type prion protein germplasm up, accounting for 29.0%; T type followed, accounting for 28.1%. According to the specificity of prion types in different gene banks, the research materials are clearly divided into two major categories, namely, the Sino-American gene pool and the Andean gene pool. The study also found that the common germplasm resources of common bean germplasm resources in China vary widely in the types of prion protein, the diversity is significantly higher than the modern bred varieties or strains. Finally, the correlation analysis was conducted between the type of prion protein and the weight of 100 kernels, the color of seeds and the type of grain. The results showed that there was a significant positive correlation between the type of prion and the weight of 100 kernels, while the type of prion protein, No significant correlation between traits. The results of this study will provide theoretical basis for the protection of common bean germplasm resources and the effective exploitation of high-quality germplasm resources.
从2008年汶川地震以来,特别是最近几个月,“泥石流”、“堰塞湖”这两个名词已不绝于耳。那么,这两种四处频发、危害巨大的自然灾害中,又隐藏着什么科学原理呢? Since the W
外公离世时,正值寒冬;而他的“五七”结束后,时已近新春。  人们急切地挂上红灯笼,贴上红对联,金色的“福”“寿”字样在深冬里缓缓流动着光泽。  世界渐被抹成朱红与金黄。  而刚褪下惨白孝衣的我们一家,面对着这一切,尴尬而不知所措。  家里仍有淡淡的香烛气味,香烛散出的团团灰白烟雾也似乎永远无法散尽。  门楹上,去年的春联被整年的风雨洗得灰白,我觉得它像父亲的脸色。  那春联原也是丰艳的红,是在外公
“唐青青是个卑鄙小人。”——在我16岁的日记中。不止一次,我都这样怒气冲天地写道。  那个下午,唐青青像个得意而嚣张的小狐狸,穿了条红得耀眼的大摆连衣裙招摇过市。在所有灰头土脸女生的衬托下。如万绿丛中一朵盛开的艳丽玫瑰。女生们面面相觑,彼此撇撇嘴巴、翻翻白眼——唐青青历来懂得如何把所有女孩的风头抢光。  我的同桌是个小商贩的女儿,精通各种世俗俚语,她附在我耳边说:“哼,她这个小狐狸精!”她压低了声