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目的:分析肺结核病控制方法及效果。方法:对我区2008年1月-2012年12月期间,肺结核预防控制效果进行统计,分析医院接诊人员、查痰率、检出率、登记率等。结果:2008年-2012年期间我区主动检查人员为33922人,主动检查率为2.3%;查痰人数为31786人,查痰率为93.7%;痰检呈阳性者6459人,阳性率为20.3%。对每年主动检查率、查痰率、检出率进行分析可知,主动检查率、查痰率、逐渐增加,检出率逐渐递减。年与年之间对比,差异显著具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。通过问卷调查方式对居民肺结核病相关知识掌握情况进行统计,低于60分者所占比例为54.9%,60~89分所占比例为39.3%,90分及以上者所占比例为5.8%。年与年之间对比可知,居民对肺结核知识掌握60分及以上所占比例逐年增加,差异显著具有统计学意义(P<0.05)结论:加强肺结核病的预防控制方法可有效提高肺结核病控制效果,实现高发现率、高治疗率。 Objective: To analyze the methods and effects of tuberculosis control. Methods: From January 2008 to December 2012 in our district, the results of tuberculosis prevention and control were statistically analyzed, and the admissions staff, sputum sampling rate, detection rate and registration rate were analyzed. Results: During the period from 2008 to 2012, there were 33,922 active examiners in our district with an active examination rate of 2.3%; the number of sputum smear was 31,786, the sputum sampling rate was 93.7%; the positive sputum examination was 6459, the positive rate was 20.3 %. Analysis of the annual active examination rate, sputum sputum rate and detection rate shows that the active examination rate and sputum sampling rate gradually increase, and the detection rate gradually decreases. The difference between years was statistically significant (P <0.05). Through questionnaire survey, we got the statistics about the tuberculosis-related knowledge of residents. The proportion of those with a score below 60 was 54.9%, the percentage with 60-89 was 39.3%, and the percentage with 90 or above was 5.8%. The comparison between years shows that the proportion of inhabitants who hold knowledge of TB more than 60 points increases year by year, the difference is statistically significant (P <0.05). Conclusion: To strengthen the prevention and control of tuberculosis can effectively improve the control effect of tuberculosis , To achieve a high detection rate, high treatment rate.
1 病例资料rn患者女性,29岁,间断胸痛二十年,从9岁起活动后胸骨后疼痛,呈压榨样痛,持断时间5~10 min,休息后缓解,间断发作,不伴大汗、心悸、呼吸困难、黑蒙,近两月发作频繁,轻
当冠状动脉造影(简称冠造)成为冠心病诊断的金标准时,平板运动试验作为无创性辅助诊断冠心病已渐为认同, 但平板运动试验对冠脉病变程度的估计有无指导意义,研究不多.为探讨