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为探讨有关残疾人子女智力发育的现状,我们自1988年9月~1989年10月对唐山市残疾人子女进行随机抽样调查,并以正常人子女作对照进行对比分析,现将调查分析结果总结如下:调查对象居住在我市境内,具有城市户口的4~7岁残疾人子女(具有智能缺陷以外的严重疾病者除外)分两组:残疾组:其父母双方或一方为残疾人(符合988年全国残疾人抽样调查领导小组规定的五类残疾人《残疾标准》者)。五种残疾人为:肢体残疾、听力语言残疾、视力残疾、精神病、智力残(以下分别简称肢残、聋哑、盲人、精神病、智残)。本组307人,其中男性163人,女性144人。对照组:设五种残疾人以外的正常人子女为对 To explore the status quo of children with disabilities mental development, we have from September 1988 to October 1989 in Tangshan City, children with disabilities in a random sample of children and normal children as controls for comparative analysis, the survey results are summarized As follows: Respondents Children aged 4 to 7 who live in the city with the exception of urban residents (except those with severe mental retardation) are divided into two groups: Disability group: both parents or one of them are disabled (in line with 988 In five years the national leading group for the survey of persons with disabilities surveyed five categories of disabled persons “disability standards”). The five kinds of disabled people are: limb disability, hearing and speech disability, vision disability, mental illness and mental retardation (hereinafter referred to as disability, deafness, blindness, mental illness, intellectual disability). This group of 307 people, including 163 males and 144 females. Control group: set the five disabled children outside of normal children right
目的 探讨养老机构感染控制综合干预效果.方法 2015年10月-2018年10月随机抽取青浦区规模和卫生条件相近且配合程度高的6所养老机构,采用调查问卷方法对工作人员进行卫生知识
目的 探讨病例教学法(case-based learning,CBL)联合传统授课(lecture-based learning,LBL)在血管外科进修医师培训中的应用效果.方法 选取2014年1月至2018年12月在四川大学
目的 比较静脉逆行入路与顺行入路治疗下肢深静脉血栓形成患者的近期疗效.方法 回顾性分析2017年10月至2019年12月深圳大学第一附属医院收治行腔内治疗的36例下肢深静脉血栓