Ultrathin permalloy films

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:devil521zhou
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In view of the principle of glow-discharge, ul-trathin Ni81Fe19(12 nm) films were prepared at an ultrahigh base vacuum. The anisotropic magnetoresistance coefficient (△R/R%) for Ni81Fe19(12 nm) film reaches 1.2%, while the value of its coercivity is 127 A/m (i.e. 1.6 Oe). Ultrathin Ni81Fe19(12 nm) films were also prepared at a lower base vacuum. The comparison of the structure for two kinds of films shows that the films prepared at an ultrahigh base vacuum have a smoother surface, a denser structure with a few defects; the films prepared at a lower base vacuum have a rougher surface, a porouser structure with some defects. In view of the principle of glow-discharge, ul-trathin Ni81Fe19 (12 nm) films were prepared at an ultrahigh base vacuum. The anisotropic magnetoresistance coefficient (ΔR / R%) for Ni81Fe19 Ultrathin Ni81Fe19 (12 nm) films were also prepared at a lower base vacuum. The comparison of the structure for two kinds of films shows that the films prepared at an ultrahigh base vacuum have a smoother surface, a denser structure with a few defects; the films prepared at a lower base vacuum have a rougher surface, a porouser structure with some defects.
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