
来源 :中学课程辅导(初一版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:JACK910680
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下面所给每组吲语虽然含义相同,但极易混淆,请仔细辨一辨,然后填入适当的句子里:A. can/could1.“ ______you help me?”“ Sure.”2.“ ______he swim?”“Yes, that’s right.”B.say/speak3. Please______it again in English. Although the following meanings are given to each group of proverbs, they are very confusing. Please confess carefully and fill in the appropriate sentences: A. can/could1.“ ______you help me?”“ Sure.” 2.“ ______he swim?”“Yes, that’s right.”B.say/speak3. Please______it again in English.
Every great achievement was once impossible until someone set a goal to make it a reality. Lewis Carroll’ s famous masterpiece Through the Looking Glass contai
影片简介: 威廉·芒尼(克林特·伊斯特伍德饰)是一个退出江湖的枪手。他在一座农场里与两个孩子艰难过活。当得知有人悬赏500美金除掉两个在大威士忌镇对一名妇女施暴的牛仔
根据场景,选择最佳问句或答语1.———I’m OK.A.How do you do? B.How are you?C.How old are you?D.What’s wrong with you?2.——They are Jim and Kate.A.Are they Jim
Q:为什么in the school,on the bed等词组中间有冠词the,而at school,in bed等词组中间却没有冠词,到底有没有规律? (湖北罗辰) Q: Why in the school, on the bed and othe
1.请问,去车站怎样走?【误】Which is the way of the station,please?【正】Which is the way to the station,please? 1.Excuse me, how can I get to the station?[Erro
The forests can keep air clean,can keep the water and soil not togo away.The forest also can stop the wind from blowing the dustaway. A lot of good land has go
气球包装礼品店的特点就是利用充了气的气球对店里的小礼品进行包装后出售。气球里可以装入布娃娃、塑料玩具、贺卡、鲜花、首饰等。虽然这些经营品种并无什么新意,但用气球包装礼品这种新颖的方式很吸引人们眼球,非常受小孩和年轻人喜欢。    投资预算  投资额1万元以内,包括:店面租金,根据选址不同,1500—3000元;一台气球礼品包装机,约1000元;包装气球一批,有高中档珠光、平光面料、心形、长型、圆型