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1930年中国现代史上爆发了空前规模的军阀大混战,史称中原大战。战争以蒋介石为代表的国民党政府为一方,以阎锡山、冯玉祥为代表的反蒋军阀势力为另一方。双方军事力量势均力敌,雄踞关外的张学良倒向何方,对于战争的胜败起着决定性的作用,因此张学良就成为双方激烈争夺的对象。最后张学良倾向中央,出兵入关助蒋,促进了阎冯反蒋势力的瓦解和战争的失败。本文试图对蒋介石是如何诱惑和争取张学良的作一探讨。一中原大战实质是1930年以前各派军阀反蒋战争的继续。众所周知,自1927年4月反动的蒋家王朝建立后,由于蒋介石的“削藩”政策和独裁政治的实施,使国民党内各派军 In 1930, an unprecedented war of merit war broke out in the modern history of China. The KMT government represented by Chiang Kai-shek in the war as one party and the anti-Chiang Kai-shek forces represented by Yan Xishan and Feng Yuxiang as the other party. The fact that Zhang Xueliang, the leader of both sides of the military and the one where the two sides are evenly matched and whose military power is evenly distributed, has played a decisive role in the victory and defeat of the war has become the object of intense competition between the two sides. In the end Zhang Xueliang tended to the Central Government and sent troops to the border to help Chiang Kai-shek and promoted the collapse of Yan Feng and Chiang Kai-shek and the defeat of the war. This article attempts to discuss how Chiang Kai-shek lured and wondered Zhang Xueliang. The essence of the Central Plains War was the continuation of the anti-Chiang war by the warlords before 1930. As we all know, since the reactionary Chiang dynasty in April 1927 after the establishment of Chiang Kai-shek’s “cut-fan” policy and the implementation of dictatorship, the Kuomintang forces within the army
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前言 红霉素(erythromycin,EM)是临床广泛应用的十四元大环内酯类抗生素,它除具有抗菌活性外,还有多种药理活性,其中包括抗炎活性。临床实践证明,长期应用小剂量红霉素治
<正> 人T细胞恶性肿瘤临床上并不少见,如T细胞恶性淋巴瘤、周围T细胞瘤。在临床上,它一般可分为下列6种不同的疾患:①T急性淋巴细胞白血病(T—ALL);②T慢性淋巴细胞白血病(T