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当前,经济建设和社会发展对档案工作提出了新的要求,作为档案工作主体的国家综合性档案馆,如何开展工作,满足社会对档案信息的需求,推进档案事业的发展,已成为档案界普遍关注问题,很值得我们进行深入地思考和探讨。 改革开放十多年来,我国综合性档案馆事业虽然发生了巨大的变化,有了长足的发展。但是,在建立社会主义市场经济体制的新形势下,它仍然显现出许多不足之处,有些问题亟待解决。我认为比较突出的有以下几个方面。 第一,社会档案意识薄弱和社会价值观念仍是影响档案馆发展的重要因素。 国家综合性档案馆是档案工作的主体,它的地位和作用应该说是非常重要的。但是,长期以来,档案馆主要是为阶级斗争服务,为党政领导机关服务、其性质表现为政治性、机要性,被视为“机要重地”,处于封闭状态,难为人们所认识。加之档案工作效益又具有不同于其它工作的特点——隐蔽性、滞后性,难以在社会活动中显现出引人注目的作用。所以,档案和档案工作虽然重要,却难以被社会所看重,人们不能正确认识档案馆的性质和 At present, economic construction and social development have put forward new requirements for archives work. How to carry out the work of the national comprehensive archives as the main body of archival work to meet the social demand for archival information and to promote the development of the archives industry has become a common practice in the archival sector Concerned about the issue, it is worth our deep thinking and discussion. Over the past decade or so since the reform and opening up, the comprehensive archives in our country have undergone tremendous changes in their businesses and have made great strides. However, under the new situation of establishing a socialist market economic structure, it still shows many shortcomings and some problems need to be solved urgently. I think the more prominent are the following aspects. First, the weak awareness of social archives and social values ​​are still important factors affecting the development of archives. National comprehensive archives is the main body of the archives work, its status and role should be said to be very important. However, for a long time, the archives mainly served for the class struggle and served the leading organs of the party and the government. The nature of the archives was political and opportunistic. It was regarded as “confidential and important.” It was in a closed state and hardly recognized by people. In addition, the efficiency of archives work also has characteristics that are different from other work - concealment and laggingness, and it is difficult to show an attractive role in social activities. Therefore, it is hard for the archives and archives work to be valued by society, and people can not correctly understand the nature of archives and archives work.