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《湖南档案》1984年第5期刊登了陈普元同志《要注意对下级文件的立卷归档》的文章,我认为这个问题提得好。现就党政机关的“下级文件”如何立卷归档问题,谈点看法。地、市、县委和政府机关的“下级文件”,主要是两个方面,一是地市县直属机关单位的来文,二是下一级党委和政府的来文。我认为,把这两部分“下级文件”区别开来,分别对待,很有必要。就是说,地市县委和政府对来自下一级党委和政府的文件材料,都按《文书档案保管期限的规定》,作为“下级文件”对待,分别立卷归案,并将永久和长期保存的档案向档案馆移交。对来自地市县直属机关单位的各种文件材料,则不笼统地 “Hunan Archives,” No. 5, 1984, published a comrade Chen Puyuan “should pay attention to the subordinate files archived” article, I think this is a good question. Now on the party and government organs, “subordinate documents” how to roll archiving questions, talk about the point of view. The “subordinate documents” of prefectures, cities, county committees and government agencies are mainly two aspects: one is the communication from the organs and agencies directly under the municipal government, and the other is the communication from the Party committees and governments at the next lower level. In my opinion, it is necessary to distinguish between the two parts of “subordinate documents” and treat them separately. In other words, prefectural and county governments and government documents and materials from the Party committees and governments at the next lower level are treated as “subordinate documents” in accordance with the provisions of the “filing deadline for file archives,” filing cases separately and putting them on file for permanent and long-term preservation File transfer to the archives. The various documents and materials that come directly from the organs and agencies of prefectural cities and counties are not general
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