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娱乐服务场所、特种行业作为我市社会治安综合态势的晴雨表,也较好地顺应了这一趋势,得到较快发展,促进了我市社会经济发展,丰富了文化生活。据不完全统计,目前全市共有娱乐服务场所5604家,其中歌舞娱乐场所665家,桑拿按摩、美容美发场所2996家,录像放映场所225家,电子游戏场所209家,棋牌室219家;共有特种行业6064家,其中旅馆业2605家,印刷业2627家,典当业7家,印章业271家,废旧金属回收业772家。改革和加强娱乐服务场所、特种行业治安行政管理,是公安机关适应新形势、维护社会治安秩序,发现和控制违法犯罪活动的有效途径。近来,我市各级公安机关坚持整治和规范并举,牢把审批和管理两个环节,有重点、有针对性地开展整顿、打击、查处、规范,有力地促进场所、行业规范有序经营,并积极探索建立娱乐服务场所、特种行业长效管理工作机制。但在日常管理工作中,由于管理水平不高和管理手段相对滞后,现行对场所、行业审批-发证-日常管理-年检年审等传统管理模式难以适应复杂多变社会发展形势的需要,使场所、行业治安管理不可避免地存 Entertainment service establishments and special trades as a barometer of the comprehensive social security situation in our city also better complied with this trend and witnessed rapid development, promoted the social and economic development of our city and enriched the cultural life. According to incomplete statistics, there are currently 5604 entertainment venues in the city, including 665 dance and entertainment venues, 2996 massage and beauty salons, 225 video and video venues, 209 video game venues and 219 chess and card room. 6064, of which 2605 hotels, printing 2627, pawn 7, 271 seals, waste metal recycling industry 772. Reforming and strengthening entertainment service establishments and public order administration in special trades and professions is an effective way for public security organs to adapt themselves to the new situation, maintain social order and find and control illegal and criminal activities. Recently, the public security organs at all levels in our city have persisted in both rectification and regulation. They firmly examined and approved the two links with emphasis and pointedly, rectifying, cracking down, investigating and regulating their work in a targeted manner and vigorously promoted the standardized and orderly operation of places and industries, And actively explore the establishment of entertainment venues, special industries, long-term management mechanism. However, in the daily management work, due to the low level of management and the relatively laggard management means, the current traditional management mode such as place approval and approval - certification - daily management - annual inspection is difficult to adapt to the complicated and changeable social development needs, Places, industry security management inevitably exist
仅仅在一年前,网游产业正盛行着网游企业和其他行业之间的跨行业合作。硬件供应商对网游的参与意味着一种更高层次的合作。 Just a year ago, the online games industry wa