Hi! Fly Guy

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  一只苍蝇肚子饿了,它出门找吃的。一个男孩也出了门,他要寻找一只宠物。于是,男孩Buzz把苍蝇带回了家,还给苍蝇起了个名字:Fly Guy。Buzz带着Fly Guy去参加宠物大赛,可评委哈哈大笑起来,他们认为苍蝇不是宠物。Fly Guy决定为Buzz争一口气,他上演了一系列高难度动作,最终获得了“最聪明宠物奖”!于是,一段美好的友谊开始了……

  “Fly Guy”是知名作家Tedd Arnold創作的系列图书,讲述了一只苍蝇Fly Guy和他的小主人Buzz之间一个个令人捧腹的趣事。在夏天遇到苍蝇,我们肯定会说:“快走开!”但在绘本中的这只苍蝇却是一只聪明的宠物,还能够喊出男孩Buzz的名字,因为“Buzz”这个词本来就是“嗡嗡叫”的意思呀。
A Big Family  I have a big family.  My father is an officer.  My mother is a teacher.  In my family, there is a cute dog.  We are very happy together.  We love each other.
Hi, I’m Charles. 每年11月的第四个星期四是感恩节,瞧,我和我的家人正在为感恩节做准备呢。丰盛的美食、有趣的游戏都在等着你,come and join us.  Ⅰ. Listen and number. 聽录音,帮Charles给下列图片排序。Ⅱ. Listen and count. 听录音,算一算,Charles需要支付多少钱?  What would  you like?  
My favorite food is Dongpo Pork.  It’s famous because of Su Shi.  He made it, so cool!  Dongpo Pork is so yummy.  My mother always cooks it for me.  I love it very much!
Lovely Father  My father is a doctor.  He is a little fat, but he looks cool in the white coat.  He works hard and he is very busy.  He can cook nice food.  He loves me and I love him forever!
Last summer, I went to Yuannan with my parents. It lies in the southwest of China. The view of Yunnan in the air is so beautiful! People also call it the South of Colorful Clouds(彩云之南).  We mainly vis
Summer is the hottest season.  Many people don’t love this season.  It’s too hot.  But I like summer.  I can eat some delicious ice creams.
My favorite season is autumn.  It’s a colorful season.  I can see blue sky and white clouds.  I can see red apples and purple grapes.  Autumn is the season of harvest.  How beautiful!
Dragonfly蜻蜓  学 名:Dragonfly  种 属:Odonata(蜻蜓目)  体 長:2~9 cetimeters  栖息地:trees,plants  食 谱:flying insects,such as,flies,mosquitoes,gnats,and flying ants  Dragonflies have five eyes! Dragonflies can fly b
My favourite season is spring.  Spring is beautiful.  The trees are green.  The flowers are colourful.  We can fly kites,have a picnic,  and go outing.
My favorite season is winter.  I am happy in winter.  I can make snowmen and go skating.  I can have snowball fights and go skiing.  I have a lot of fun in winter.  I like winter best!