
来源 :中国血液流变学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cw5188
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目的:本文在观察地鼠颊囊冻伤前后微循环变化的基础上,建立了实验动物模型,并对观察指标进行了分级描述和评价。方法:金黄地鼠体重80-110g,麻醉后翻出颊囊,平铺固定在观察灌流板上。在35℃观察舱内,以37℃生理盐水滴灌颊囊表面,通过显微摄录系统选择有细动脉(A)、细静脉(V)伴行并有各级微血管分布的颊囊区,观察记录正常微循环状态.然后将颊囊前2/3都分浸入不同温度(-20℃、-25℃、-30℃)的冷冻液内,待其由红变白呈冻结状后取出(记录浸冻时间),立即在上述条件下观察并记录冻前选定视野内冻结颊囊融化过程中的微循环变化,连续两小时。严格控制冷冻温度、浸冻时间、浸冻面积及滴灌速度等。结果:1、颊囊冻结时间:颊囊浸入冷冻液后逐渐由红变白(即冻结),呈苍白硬纸板状,透光性极差.在三种冷冻液中冻结的时间在1-11秒不等。2、颊囊融化时间及微循环的改变;绝大多数地鼠颊囊在滴灌复温后30-50秒内冻结全部融化,随即可见淡粉色血液首先在细A、V内缓慢流动,并见大量白色血栓、BBC聚集、栓塞等。随复温时间的推移,可见血流快慢交替、血管舒缩交替、栓塞再通或闭塞等改变。3、适宜冻伤模型;通过观察比较,确定-25℃冷冻中浸冻6秒? OBJECTIVE: On the basis of observing the changes of microcirculation before and after frostbite of hamster cheek pouch, the experimental animal model was established and the grading description and evaluation of the observed index were made. Method: golden hamster weighing 80-110g, pushes out after anesthesia, tiled fixed in the observation perfusion plate. Observed in the chamber at 35 ℃, 37 ℃ physiological saline drip cheek sac surface, the choice of microsurgery system through the arteriolar (A), vein (V) accompanied by microvascular distribution at all levels of the cheek pouch area observed Record the normal microcirculation state. Then the cheek pouch before the 2/3 are submerged in different temperature (-20 ℃, -25 ℃, -30 ℃) in the freezing solution until it is reddish-white was removed after freezing (record dipping time), immediately Under the above conditions, the change of microcirculation in the frozen cheek pouch in the selected field of view before freezing was recorded and recorded for two hours continuously. Strict control of the freezing temperature, soaking time, soaking area and drip irrigation speed. Results: 1, cheek pouch freezing time: cheek pouch immersed in the freezing solution gradually from red to white (ie, frozen), was pale cardboard, very poor light transmission. The freezing time in the three freezing solutions varies from 1 to 11 seconds. 2, cheek pouch melting time and changes in microcirculation; the vast majority of hamster cheek pouch in drip irrigation 30-50 seconds after the freeze-thaw all melted, then you can see the pale pink blood flow slowly in the fine A, V and see A large number of white thrombus, BBC aggregation, embolism and so on. With the rewarming time, showing alternating blood flow, alternating vasomotor, embolization recanalization or occlusion and other changes. 3, suitable for frostbite model; through observation and comparison, to determine frozen at -25 ℃ frozen 6 seconds?
采用标记前体物参入法和放射自显影术观察冬凌草甲素与博来霉素A5合用对小鼠体内外P388白血病、艾氏腹水癌细胞大分子合成的影响,发现两药合用明显抑制DNA The effect of R
在盲人心中,那是黑暗的  另一个版本:一种有无限耐心的恶  在音乐里经营它的集中营:  当流水温柔地舔舐  如同戴手套的刽子手有教养地抚摸,  看住自己是如此困难。  尖锐棱角消失的时候,你的躯体  试图变成一只眼……  但又能如何?就像所有的恶  都自信满满,不会在乎你看见了什么,  而且,被冲刷所掌控的秩序里,  能显影的,看上去都成立。  如同品味快感,如同  在对毁灭不紧不慢的玩味中已建立
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本文对中药材橘叶进行了挥发油含量测定。从测定数据表明以冬季收购质量较佳;同时发现温州蜜柑Citrus reticulata Blanco var.unshiu(Marcoritch.)H.H.Hu的叶挥发油古量甚低,