
来源 :中国乡镇企业会计 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhengj5817
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我国合资企业的发展自起步以来,取得了明显成就,对于利用外资、出口创汇、引进国外先进生产技术和管理方式发挥了重要作用。但是,由于受国内外多种因素的影响和限制,合资企业在实际的生产运营中也暴露出许多问题,主要表现在: 一、项目选择不准,可行性研究不细。由于在洽谈合资企业中,有的企业缺乏经贸知识,对具体事宜把关不严,中途夭折;有的企业急于求
Although dark energy and dark matter have not yet been detected, they are believed to comprise the majority of the universe. Observations of the flat rotation c
This work is concerned about the true physical mechanism of gravity. The Higgs theory introduces important changes in Einstein’s view about the nature of empty
In this work, we try to build a model to describe the condensation through the couple of bio-solitons in a well based on the BCS theory extended by the nonlinea
We find an azimuthal-angle dependent approximate wave like solution to second order on a warped five-dimensional manifold with a self-gravitating U(1) scalar ga
A new alternative cosmological model called black hole universe was recently developed by the author on the basis of the following three fundamentals: 1) the pr