,A dynamic evaluation technique for assessing gas output from coal seams during commingling producti

来源 :国际煤炭科学技术学报(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dfsdfsafdsfds
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Gas drainage is carried out based on output from each coal bed throughout commingling production of coalbed methane (CBM).A reasonable drainage process should therefore initially guarantee main coal bed production and then enhance gas output from other beds.Permanent damage can result if this is not the case,especially with regard to fracture development in the main gas-producing coal bed and can greatly reduce single well output.Current theoretical models and measuring devices are inapplicable to commingled CBM drainage,however,and so large errors in predictive models cannot always be avoided.The most effective currently available method involves directly measuring gas output from each coal bed as well as determining the dominant gas-producing unit.A dynamic evaluation technique for gas output from each coal bed during commingling CBM production is therefore proposed in this study.This technique comprises a downhole measurement system combined with a theoretical calculation model.Gas output parameters (i.e.,gas-phase flow rate,temperature,pressure) are measured in this approach via a downhole measurement system;substituting these parameters into a deduced theoretical calculation model then means that gas output from each seam can be calculated to determine the main gas-producing unit.Trends in gas output from a single well or each seam can therefore be predicted.The laboratory and field test results presented here demonstrate that calculation errors in CBM outputs can be controlled within a margin of 15% and therefore conform with field use requirements.
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