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近代上海开埠后,浙北地区由于地理及资源等方面的原因,与上海的社会经济关系进一步密切。浙北地区积极利用上海对外贸易及城市经济的发展,推进市镇经济、农村经济的发展,深入提高了农产品的专业化生产水平,促进了农村手工业的近代转型和商业的繁荣,推动了市镇经济的发展,形成了两地双赢和联动发展的局面。这一历史过程中所形成的基础及其经验,对当今两地在新时期“长三角经济圈”发展背景下的互利合作,尤其是浙北地区如何更好地接轨上海,当好配角,实现跳跃式发展和可持续发展,仍然具有积极的借鉴意义。 After the opening of Shanghai in modern times, the social and economic relations between Shanghai and Shanghai were even closer due to geographical and resource reasons. Northern Zhejiang actively utilized the development of Shanghai’s foreign trade and urban economy, promoted the economic development of the cities and towns and the rural economy, further enhanced the specialized production of agricultural products, promoted the modern transformation of the rural handicraft industry and commercial prosperity, and promoted the development of the towns Economic development has created a win-win situation and a coordinated development between the two places. The foundations and experience gained in this historical process provide a valuable insight into the mutually beneficial cooperation between the two places in the context of the development of the “Yangtze River Delta Economic Circle” in the new era, and in particular how the northern part of Zhejiang Province can better integrate itself with Shanghai. Leaping development and sustainable development, still has a positive reference.
用离子镀渗法所制备的镀渗层是由镀层及过镀层所组成。下面着重介绍影响镀层的结构形态因素及过镀层的形成等问题。 The ion plating infiltration prepared by the coatin
我厂有一台 JB21—100型100吨开式双柱固定台压力机,经长时期使用后离合器结合困难,并有严重的声响。因接台不及时,降低了生产效率,同时也加速了零件的磨损。针对上述问题,
氨三乙酸(NTA)的金属螯合物的稳定性比EDTA的减弱很大,以往在螯合滴定中不受重视。但从pH 5—6,NTA金属螯合物的表观稳定常数看来,在锰、镉、钴、锌,镍、铅、铜和铁(Ⅲ)中只
从文献与考古两方面予以考证,“■”是把马尾挽成结,“介马”指给马披上甲。两者不可混同,《左传》的“介马”是后者而不是前者。 From the literature and archeology to b