从这一期开始 ,本刊开设“传媒观察”栏目 ,意在通过对当下传媒业的潮流、动态、格局等变化的观察 ,发表对于中国电视发展有特色有见地的观点。刘春先生的《中国电视的“盛世危言”》一文以敏锐的眼光洞察着当下中国电视的生存环境与自身格局 ;以犀利的笔法 ,描摹着当下中国电视的潮起潮落与状态景观。名之为“盛世危言” ,绝非危言耸听 ,其动机和出发点实出于一个在中国电视界从业有年并肩负责任的专业人士 ,对于中国电视发展进步的期待与祝愿。良药苦口 ,信言未必美听 ,我们并非完全赞同刘先生的言论 ,但对于这样的用心和表述则表示欣赏 ,也希望读者朋友们从中获得启示。汪文斌与李幸二位先生 ,一位来自媒体 ,一位来自高校 ,用对话方式呈现给我们一幅幅电视经济节目变革的生动映像 ,用情趣盎然的话语给我们讲述了一个个节目变革背后的故事 ,用清醒理智的思考给我们传达了一个个关于中国电视传播的新的理念。这个对话 ,本刊将分两期连载。
Starting from this issue, we published a section entitled “Media Observations”, which aims to express our views on the development of China’s television industry through the observation of changes in the current media industry such as trends, dynamics and patterns. Mr. Liu Chun’s “The Thriving Life of Chinese Television” provides a keen insight into the current living environment and the pattern of the Chinese television. With a sharp brushwork, he traced the ebb and flow of current Chinese television. The name of “Spiritual crisis” is by no means alarmist. Its motivation and starting point are actually derived from the professional and responsible professionals in China’s television industry who are looking forward to the development and progress of Chinese television. The good medicine is bitter, the words may not be beautiful, we do not agree with Mr. Liu’s remarks completely. However, we express our appreciation for such intentions and expressions and hope readers and friends can gain enlightenment. Wang Wenbin and Mr. Li Xing, one from the media and one from colleges and universities, gave us a lively image of the transformation of television economic programs through dialogues, and told us about the stories behind the changes of programs in a fun-filled way , With sober rational thinking to us one by one on the new concept of China’s television transmission. This dialogue, this issue will be serialized in two phases.