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寻踪“停云”文徵明其实在苏州仍有不少遗踪。与苏州博物馆一墙之隔的拙政园自然是其中之一。拙政园初建时,致仕归里的园主王献臣和文徵明过从甚密,两人相知相交数十年,文徵明所作的《王氏拙政园记》石刻,现位于拙政园倒影楼下拜文揖沈之斋,小楷《千字文》则置于西部水廊内。《王氏拙政园记》末有:“徵明漫仕而归,虽踪迹不同于君,而潦倒末杀,略相曹耦,顾不得一亩之宫,以寄其栖逸之志,而独有羡于君,既取其园中景物悉为赋之,而复为之记。”除了写 Tracing “stop cloud ” Wen Zhengming In fact, there are still many missing in Suzhou. One of them is Humble Administrator’s Garden separated from the Suzhou Museum by a wall. When the Humble Administrator’s Garden was first built, Wang Xichen and Wen Zhengming, the registrars of the reverted home, crossed the very close and the two met each other for decades. The “Wangzhuang Zhuang Yuan Ji” inscribed by Wen Zhengming is located in Humble Administrator’s Garden Reflections downstairs worship Wen Shen fast, small script “a thousand words” is placed in the Western Water Gallery. “Wang Humble Administrator’s Garden in mind” at the end: “Zhengming diffuse and return, although the trace is different from the king, and downstabbed kill, slightly Cao couple, refused to take the acre House, to send its ambition , While the exclusive envy of the king, both take the park in the middle of the King was given, and complex for the mind. ”In addition to writing
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