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  Meet Austria’s young 1)marmot whisperer. Eight-year-old Matteo Walch’s friendship with a 2)clan of Alpine animals has spanned more than half his lifetime.
  “When we come, they run straight to him,” said Matteo’s mother, Michaela Walch, a mathematics teacher and 3)amateur photographer.
  The mother-and-son team have been traveling from their home in Innsbruck to Hohe Tauern National Park in Grossglockner to spend time with the large 4)ground squirrels since Matteo was just four years old.
  Like a horse whisperer or dog whisperer, the schoolboy has an 5)uncanny ability to interact with the normally 6)skittish wild animals—even greeting them nose to nose and having them climb on his lap.
  “The first time we came, four marmots jumped on top of him and he was falling down, smiling and laughing,” said his mother.
  Because Grossglockner is home to some of the world’s most 7)stunning mountains, the marmots 8)are accustomed to 9)busloads of tourists 10)attempting to feed them chocolates and cookies. But “they always keep their distance,” the 46-year-old single parent said.
  “It’s different with Matteo; these pictures show how he is with the marmots and how they are so used to him,” she said. “He knows how to feel and manage every animal; I am very proud of how he acts with them.”
  Matteo and his mom visit the marmots for two weeks every summer and spend many hours with them every day.
  Before becoming a mother, Michaela traveled to such 11)exotic 12)destinations as Alaska, Ethiopia and Israel to photograph wildlife. But, she now sticks closer to home and takes her son on the 13)shoots he enjoys.
  The amateur photographer said she always 14)abides by her philosophy that “one has to understand the animals before one can take pictures without disturbing them.” She joked that she will only photograph animals that “want to be photographed,”—a 15)time-consuming effort that 16)yields the best images.
  “The picture of a curious animal 17)approaching me is a thousand times more beautiful than the picture of any animal looking at me in fear just before it takes off in flight,” she said.
  When photographing Matteo and his marmot buddies, she said, “I want to show the 18)harmony between the boy and the animals.”
In 1954, Judy Garland is Esther Blodgett in A Star Is Born goes to Hollywood, sings in the 1)chorus, until one night...  Esther: My 2)benefactor appeared with his card.  These days, you might not need
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