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目的:探讨住院腹泻患儿病情特点及治疗方案,为临床诊治提供借鉴。方法:回顾性分析我院2012年1月-2013年12月收治住院小儿腹泻患儿120例临床资料,分析病情特点,总结临床治疗方案。结果:全部患儿大便次数较平时均显著增多,且大便性状均有改变;患儿中合并发热40例,呕吐63例,轻度脱水58例,中度脱水3例,急性上呼吸道感染46例,真菌性口腔炎7例,尿布皮炎4例,心肌炎3例,病毒性脑炎1例,惊厥1例。其中痊愈出院61例,好转出院53例,未愈出院6例,分别占总例数50.83%,44.17%,5.00%,无死亡病例出现;40例合并发热腹泻患儿中伴外周血白细胞升高14例,伴大便白细胞5例,以7-9月患儿多见;而血常规检查可见发热患儿淋巴细胞较正常值增高,而中性粒细胞较正常值降低。结论:合理用药,科学饮食及及时纠正水电解质平衡紊乱是保证小儿腹泻患者安全、有效、经济治疗的关键。 Objective: To investigate the characteristics and treatment programs of children with in-hospital diarrhea and provide references for clinical diagnosis and treatment. Methods: The clinical data of 120 children admitted to our hospital from January 2012 to December 2013 in our hospital from January 2012 to December 2013 were analyzed retrospectively to analyze the characteristics of the disease and to summarize the clinical treatment plan. Results: The stool frequency of all children increased more than usual and the stool traits changed. 40 children with fever, vomiting of 63 cases, mild dehydration in 58 cases, moderate dehydration in 3 cases, acute upper respiratory tract infection in 46 cases , 7 cases of fungal stomatitis, 4 cases of diaper dermatitis, 3 cases of myocarditis, 1 case of viral encephalitis and 1 case of convulsion. Among them, 61 cases were cured and discharged, 53 cases were improved and discharged, 6 cases were unplanned and discharged, accounting for 50.83%, 44.17% and 5.00% of the total cases, respectively. There were no deaths; 40 cases of children with fever and diarrhea had peripheral leucocytosis Fourteen cases, accompanied by stool leucocyte in 5 cases, more common in children from July to September; and blood tests showed that children with fever increased lymphocytes than normal, while neutrophils decreased compared with normal. Conclusion: Rational use of drugs, scientific diet and timely correction of water and electrolyte balance disorder is to ensure that children with diarrhea, safe, effective and economical treatment of the key.