
来源 :中华女子学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:caohuyue
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近年来,我们在培养选拔女干部工作中,不断优化社会环境,切实加大工作力度,使一大批德才兼备的女干部脱颖而出,使女干部选拔任用工作有了突破性进展.目前,全市市级党政领导班子中共有3名女领导干部,达到了省委规划要求;市直机关处级女干部由原来的17名增加到37名,增加了117.6%.其中,有6名担任部门正职,占同级干部的9%.12个县(市、区)党政领导班子中女干部从11名增加到16名,增加了36.4%;对省委规划要求县(市、区)党政领导班子中至少配备1名女干部的指标,我市已提前三年完成.在全市女干部队伍的数量、结构等发生根本变化的新情况面前,我们逐步调整工作重点,努力实现“两个转变”,即;第一,在女干部的选拔方式上,从以往的突击性向常规性转变.第二,在女干部队伍建设的目标上,从求数量向重质量方面转变.实现“两个转变”,对于维护、提高妇 In recent years, in the course of training and selecting female cadres, we have continuously optimized the social environment, intensified our efforts to make a large number of female cadres with both ability and political integrity come to the fore, and made breakthroughs in the selection and appointment of female cadres. At present, Level leadership of the party and government in a total of three female leading cadres, meeting the planning requirements of the provincial party committee; directorate level cadres at the division level increased from the original 17 to 37, an increase of 117.6% of which, six were serving as department heads, Accounting for 9% of cadres at the same level. The number of cadres in the party and government leading bodies in 12 counties (cities and districts) increased from 11 to 16, an increase of 36.4%; the requirements of the provincial party committee and county (city and district) party and government leaders At least one female cadre in our team has been set up in our city three years ahead of schedule. In the face of a new situation where the number and structure of female cadres in the city have undergone fundamental changes, we have gradually adjusted our work priorities and worked hard to achieve “two transformations” , Namely: First, the selection of female cadres, from the conventional surprise to the conventional change.Second, in the goal of building a cadre of women cadres, from the quantity to the quality of change to achieve the “two changes” To maintain, improve women
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