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昨天下了一场雨,上山的路有点湿滑,林子里到处露水冬冬。早闻得僰王山大名,今日终于有缘与它亲近。文友们去上攀黑帽顶下探飞雾洞去了,我倒愿意在山林里随意走走看看。上山的石梯小路,想来也是最近一二十年才铺的,以前应该是毛路。道旁绿竹遮天蔽日,绿雾氲氤,空气清新得每吸进一口气都如醍醐灌顶。渐行渐高,快到山顶时,一侧有竹子护栏,望悬崖下已是万仞深谷。山谷里雾气茫茫,隐约看得见谷底岩 Yesterday under a rain, the road up a little slippery, dew winter everywhere in the woods. Early sigh Wang Shan name, today finally got married with it. Friends of text to climb the black hat to fly under the fly to explore the fog hole, I would like to walk around in the mountains to see. Ladder up the mountain path, want to come in the recent one or two decades before the shop, used to be Mao Road. Road next to the bamboo shelter, green misty, fresh air to breathe each breath are as 醍 醐 irrigation. Gradually high, approaching the peak, the side of the bamboo fence, looking under the cliff is Wan 仞 deep valley. Misty fog in the valley, vaguely visible valley rock
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