百年翰林府如今又在北京商贸发达的 CBD 区设店。这个以经营官府谭家菜闻名的休闲餐饮空间,可算京城的一家老字号。带着嫡传自清代官府的特殊身份背景,谭宗浚这个第一代谭家菜创始人,当年在京为官“上得厅堂,下得厨房”的故事,早已传为佳话。而今,已经是由谭氏第五代人执掌的翰林府,若也能生出一段佳话,那一定是因为这曾经服务于达官贵人的谭家菜,现已真正飞入了寻常百姓家。新设的谭家菜馆,营业面
The century-old Hanlin government has now set up shop in Beijing’s well-developed CBD area. This is a time-honored restaurant that is known for operating the Tang family, and is considered to be an old name in the capital. With the rumored background of the special identity of the officials of the Qing Dynasty, the story of Tan Zongtang, the founder of the first generation of Tan Jiacai, who had been in Beijing as an official, “has got a hall and got a kitchen,” has long been known as a story. Nowadays, the Hanlin government, which is already in charge of the fifth generation of Tan’s people, can also give birth to a story. It must be because Tan Jiacai, who once served as an official of Daguan, has now truly flown into the homes of ordinary people. New Tan Jia Restaurant, Sales Office