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《义务教育科学课程标准》强调:“科学学习要以科学探究为核心”。由于探究活动的开放性、干扰因素、学生的年龄及身心特点等原因,要想在40分钟时间里,通过探究活动达到理想的教学效果并非易事。所以,教学中教师必须做到把握教材,周密规划,精心调控,只有做到这三者的有机结合,才能实现让学生参与以探究为主的学习活动。一、把握教材,确定好探究活动的主要目标科学课由一个个活动组成,教材在每课中都安排有3个左右 “Compulsory Education Science Curriculum Standard” emphasizes: “Science learning should be based on scientific inquiry”. Due to the openness of inquiry activities, the interference factors, the age of students and their physical and mental characteristics, it is not easy to achieve the desired teaching effect through inquiry activities in 40 minutes. Therefore, teaching teachers must be able to grasp the teaching materials, careful planning, careful control, only by doing the organic combination of the three in order to allow students to engage in inquiry-based learning activities. First, grasp the teaching materials to determine the main objectives of inquiry activities Science class consists of one activity, teaching materials are arranged in each class has about 3
Different phases of Mg-Li-Sm alloys were prepared by galvanostatic electrolysis in LiCl-KCl-MgCl2-SmCl3 melts at 670 °C.The electrolysis process and phase cont