
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(儿科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pluto529
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Aims: To study the relation between risk of cerebral palsy and socioeconomic s tatus. Methods: A total of 293 children with a diagnosis of cerebral palsy out o f 105 760 live births between 1 January 1982 and 31 December 1997 were identifie d from the special conditions sub-file of the West Sussex Computerised Child He alth System. Results: There was a linear association between risk of cerebral pa lsy and socioeconomic status (SES)-measured by the Registrar General’s social class (RGSC) and enumeration district (ED) ranked into quintiles by the Townsend Deprivation Index derived from 1991 census data. Fifty one per cent and 30%of cases of cerebral palsy were statistically “attributable”to inequality in SES using the RGSC and ED quintile respectively. A linear association was also noted for singleton live births. The association between risk of cerebral palsy and E D quintile persisted in a logistic regressionmodel that included birth weight an d gestational age, although that between RGSC and cerebral palsy no longer reach ed conventional levels of statistical significance after adjustment. Conclusions : A strong association was observed between socioeconomic status and the risk of cerebral palsy, which was only partly accounted for by the known social gradien ts in birth weight and gestational age. Aims: To study the relation between risk of cerebral palsy and socioeconomic s tatus. Methods: A total of 293 children with a diagnosis of cerebral palsy out of 105 760 live births between 1 January 1982 and 31 December 1997 were identifie d from the special conditions sub-file of the West Sussex Computerized Child Heal System. Results: There was a linear association between risk of cerebral pa lsy and socioeconomic status (SES) -measured by the Registrar General’s social class (RGSC) and enumeration district (ED) ranked into quintiles by the Townsend Deprivation Index derived from 1991 census data. Fifty one per cent and 30% of cases of cerebral palsy were statistically “attributable” to inequality in SES using the RGSC and ED quintile respectively. A linear association was also noted for singleton The association between risk of cerebral palsy and ED quintile persisted in a logistic regression model that included birth weight an d gestational age, although that betw een RGSC and cerebral palsy no longer reach ed conventional levels of statistical significance after adjustment. Conclusions: A strong association was observed between socioeconomic status and the risk of cerebral palsy, which was only partly accounted for by the known social gradien ts in birth weight and gestational age.
时殷弘教授眼中的“大国创新”剑在何指?备受争议的军事战略专家乔良为什么要为拯救“美国病人”辩护?“三农”问题专家党国英是如何站在历史、政治层次剖析时下巨人中国背后的隐忧?陈明的新儒家主又将会成为中国软实力的主要构成吗?中国顶尖智囊学者们沉潜思考、深刻反思,通过提出负责任的国家决断方案,期待提供给决策者以决断的智性支持。  中国的崛起已经是一个不争的事实。  中国的崛起,呈现为两个大的历史断面:19
On head down tilt to the supine horizontal position (tilt reversal) after head up tilt (HUT), patients with orthostatic hypotension may show an increase in bloo
自从高考制度改革以来,高中生物课由原来的“会考”科目跃居于高考课程之列,高中生物教学出现很大改观,但生物课仍为副科小课。学生学习生物的积极性和主动性尚需提高。那么怎样提高学生的学习兴趣,变被动的听讲为主动的索取呢?    一、上好新学期的第一节课,讲好每章节的导入    “良好的开端是成功的一半。”第一节课必须努力给学生留下良好的深刻的印象,使学生产生强烈的学习生物的愿望。教师要在每个章节开始时精
他出生于台湾台东,因家庭贫困早早放弃学业,来到工地上打零工,以补贴家用。  时间一晃就是四年。那天,他在三楼作业,在传递钢管的过程中,不小心碰到了阳台外面的高压线,短短几秒钟被烧成一个碳人。所幸抢救及时,才挽回了一条性命,不过,他却从此失去了一双手和一只脚。这是一件多么残忍的事!无论换作谁,恐怕都很难接受这样的现实。但让人意想不到的是,他用一条腿站了起来。他认为,背着包袱要走,放下包袱也是走,那为