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新疆日报主任记者朱必义, 1983年毕业于华东师大中文系,福建人,在新疆日报工作至今。 17年来,他的足迹遍布天山南北 86个县市、雪山、大漠、草原、包括世界屋脊的西藏阿里。他 6次获新疆新闻一等奖, 2次获中国新闻奖(二、三等奖各一次), 1997年被评为第二届全国百佳新闻工作者, 1998年获第三届范长江新闻奖提名。   西北边疆,经济落后,信息闭塞,交通不便,又是多民族聚居,语言不通,工作和生活存有诸多艰难。和内地新闻工作者相比,在新疆当一名记者,要想有所成就,除了吃苦精神外,在新闻采访、写作上还必须适应特定的区情、民情,必须掌握一些特殊技巧,方可如鱼得水,游刃有余。   以下是朱必义根据自己在新疆 17年新闻采写的经验写下的若干体会,非常有针对性、可读性,相信对各地同行,尤其是初学新闻者会有些启发。 Xinjiang Daily News reporter Zhu Biyi, graduated from East China Normal University in 1983, Department of Chinese, Fujian, Xinjiang Daily in the work so far. In the past 17 years, he has traveled all over 86 counties and cities in north and south Tianshan Mountains, snow mountains, deserts and grasslands, including Tibet Ali, the roof of the world. He won the first prize of Xinjiang News six times, the second prize of China News (second and third prize once), was named the second national PARKnSHOP journalist in 1997, and the third Fanchangjiang News in 1998 Nomination. The northwestern frontier, with its backward economy, blocked information and inaccessible transportation, is also a place where people of many ethnic groups live in incompatible languages ​​and work and life. Compared with journalists in the Mainland, when a journalist in Xinjiang wants to make achievements, in addition to his hard-working spirit, he must also adapt himself to the specific circumstances of the district and the people in his news coverage and writing. He must master some special techniques before Like a duck, ease. The following is Zhu Biyi according to his experience in 17 years of journalism in Xinjiang wrote a number of experience, very targeted, readable, I believe all over the counterparts, especially beginners will have some inspiration.
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公文审核是公文处理的一个重要环节。笔者从事行政公文审核近20年,在此谈点体会和看法,与同行探讨,亦有抛砖引玉之意。 Official document review is an important part of
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