Dynamic Characteristics of Inter-Satellite Links in LEO Networks

来源 :Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lcqinyuyang
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To establish an efficient inter-satellite link (ISL) in an LEO network, the effect of geometric characteristics of ISL on the ISLs and the devices on the LEO satellite should be examined. Because of the continuous movement of the LEO satellite, the time-varying behaviours of the ISL’s geometric charactersistics continuously change with the changes of the satellite’s position on the orbit. These dynamic geometric characteristics of the ISLs are important for ISL’s performance analyzing and the design of the devices on the LEO satellite. This paper describes dynamic geometric characteristics of ISL, analyzes the impact of these regulations on the tracking system of the satellite’s antenna and the power adjusting system of the satellite’s transmitter, with the Iridium system as an example. To establish an efficient inter-satellite link (ISL) in an LEO network, the effect of geometric characteristics of ISL on the ISLs and the devices on the LEO satellite should be examined. Because of the continuous movement of the LEO satellite, the time- varying behaviours of the ISL’s geometric charactersistics continuously change with the changes of the satellite’s position on the orbit. These dynamic geometric characteristics of the ISLs are important for ISL’s performance analyzing and the design of the devices on the LEO satellite. This paper describes dynamic geometric characteristics of ISL, analyzes the impact of these regulations on the tracking system of the satellite’s antenna and the power adjusting system of the satellite’s transmitter, with the Iridium system as an example.
李欧梵,男,文学教授,最近增补为中研院院士。详见A。    A    李欧梵,名牌产品。1961年,台大外文系毕业(同班同学有白先勇、王文兴、陈若曦)后留学美国芝加哥大学读国际关系,稍后发觉志趣在彼,遂转去哈佛修中国近代思想史,兼及文学,1964年得硕士,1970年获博士学位。曾先后任教于美国的达特茅斯学院,香港中文大学,美国普林斯顿,印地安那,芝加哥大学和加州洛杉矶分校;“在学术界的枪林弹雨中冲