Improving CLM4.5 Simulations of Land–Atmosphere Exchange during Freeze–Thaw Processes on the Tibetan

来源 :Journal of Meteorological Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:handsomels
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Soil is heterogeneous and has different thermal and hydraulic properties, causing varied behavior in heat and moisture transport. Therefore, soil has an important effect on land–atmosphere interactions. In this study, an improved soil parameterization scheme that considers gravel and organic matter in the soil was introduced into CLM4.5(Community Land Model). By using data from the Zoige and Madoi sites on the Tibetan Plateau, the ability of the model to simultaneously simulate the duration of freeze–thaw periods, soil temperature, soil moisture, and surface energy during freeze–thaw processes, was validated. The results indicated that:(1) the new parameterization performed better in simulating the duration of the frozen, thawing, unfrozen, and freezing periods;(2) with the new scheme, the soil thermal conductivity values were decreased;(3) the new parameterization improved soil temperature simulation and effectively decreased cold biases;(4) the new parameterization scheme effectively decreased the dry biases of soil liquid water content during the freezing, completely frozen, and thawing periods, but increased the wet biases during the completely thawed period; and(5) the net radiation, latent heat flux, and soil surface heat flux of the Zoige and Madoi sites were much improved by the new organic matter and thermal conductivity parameterization. So, soil has an important effect on land-atmosphere interactions. In this study, an improved soil parameterization scheme that considers gravel and organic matter in the Soil was introduced into CLM4.5 (Community Land Model). By using data from the Zoige and Madoi sites on the Tibetan Plateau, the ability of the model to simultaneously simulate the duration of freeze-thaw periods, soil temperature, soil moisture, and surface energy during freeze-thaw processes, was validated. The results indicated that: (1) the new parameterization performed better in simulating the duration of the frozen, thawing, unfrozen, and freezing periods; (2) with the new scheme, the soil (3) the new parameterization improved soil temperature simulation and effectively decreased cold biases; (4) the new parameterization scheme effec tively decreased the dry biases of soil liquid water content during the freezing, completely frozen, and thawing periods, but increased the wet biases during the completely thawed period; and (5) the net radiation, latent heat flux, and soil surface heat flux of the Zoige and Madoi sites were much improved by the new organic matter and thermal conductivity parameterization.
习惯了与夜色携手  蜗居在苇草丛生的梦里  由头到脚的荒芜  呓语拿什么来捆扎  黎明的眸已远离轨道  我的年轮已经被时光篡改  塞外的风 稠密  只有一个声音能够穿越  一树嫩绿刺痛河床  一粒微尘落满天河  一抹夕阳  七月,在天际  用全部心思,织一件霞衣  指尖的捻动,醉了夏季  我问流萤,什么作琴  是河床,是湖水,是月光  是夕阳最后一抹红晕  蛰伏的诗句,在七月  布满草尖,只要风扬