Functional analysis of cis-acting sequences regulating root-specific expression in transgenic tobacc

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Two different length fragments, RSF1 and RSF2 which contained the cis-acting sequences of root-spe- cific gene TobRB7, were isolated from tobacco genome. The abilities of these fragments to direct root-specific expression were studied by fusing them to the β-glucuronidase (GUS) report gene with different directions. After the recombined vectors were transformed into tobacco, the expression pattern was performed by histochemical staining and the quantitative analysis of GUS activity. The data suggested that the cis-acting element of TobRB7 gene direct GUS expression not only as root-specific but also as bidirectional. In our studies, the short fragment, RSF2, performed stronger activity than RSF1 with any direction. The stronger activity of GUS expression was determined by reverse inserting of RSF1 or RSF2 than positive inserting.
多年前,她坐在一本巨大硬壳书的背脊,面朝大海,迎着风高唱“The city is so empty,可是我依然相信,真爱无敌”;今年,她引用加措活佛的话,“曾经以为不能放手的东西,只是生命
《庶出子女》是加拿大华裔女作家丹尼斯·钟的著作,出版于 1994 年。作为一本家族叙述史,这部作品有着极其珍贵的一面,即深深体现出了中国独特的传统价值观: 割舍不断的血源、
晦冷天开气转阳,轻风初起意犹凉。不须雪化梅花放,可待冰消雁字长。 山麓白,柳梢黄。盼伊消息每临窗。寒封三尺江河瘦,唯有相思未冻僵。