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目的:对广东省人民医院儿科急诊口服中成药处方进行统计分析,了解儿科急诊中成药应用情况,促进中成药合理用药。方法:提取该院2016年第一季度儿科急诊处方共2632张,统计口服中成药使用率,参照相关文献进行点评分析。结果:该院儿科急诊口服中成药使用率为93.35%,涉及34个品种,其中96.58%的中成药处方联合使用西药,9.40%的中成药处方联合使用注射剂,55.76%的中成药处方联合使用抗菌药物,16.81%的中成药处方为2种或2种以上口服中成药联合应用;中成药处方不合理率为0.90%。结论:该院儿科急诊中成药使用尚属合理,但临床医师仍需加强辨证施治。 OBJECTIVE: To analyze the prescription of oral Chinese patent medicine in pediatric emergency department of Guangdong Provincial People’s Hospital to understand the application of traditional Chinese medicine in pediatric emergency and promote the rational use of traditional Chinese medicine. Methods: A total of 2 632 pediatric emergency prescriptions were extracted from the hospital in the first quarter of 2016. Statistics were made on the utilization rate of oral proprietary Chinese medicines. Reference reviews were made based on relevant literature. Results: The rate of oral administration of Chinese traditional medicine was 93.35% in pediatric emergency department, involving 34 varieties. Among them, 96.58% of proprietary Chinese medicines were used in combination with western medicine, 9.40% of proprietary Chinese medicines were used in combination with injection and 55.76% of proprietary Chinese medicines were used in combination with antibacterial Drugs, 16.81% of the proprietary Chinese medicine prescriptions for the 2 or more kinds of oral administration of Chinese medicine combined application; proprietary Chinese medicine prescription unreasonable rate of 0.90%. Conclusion: The pediatric emergency medicine used in this hospital is still reasonable, but clinicians still need to strengthen syndrome differentiation.
Proteins rarely function in isolation inside and outside cells, but operate as part of a highly intercon- nected cellular network called the interaction network
利用力学方法计算了油滴在旋转气缸压缩机基元容积内的运行轨迹及飞行时间,并由此求出了压缩机的最佳喷油入射角度,同时分析了油、气换热对旋转气缸压缩机指示功的影响。 The