Reading Color in Black Narcissus

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  A shot in Black Narcissus (1947) reflects an interesting aspect of colors on a white nun. In a medium close-up shot, Sister Ruth is framed in the center beside a column on the right. The camera is in front of her while she is staring elsewhere. With side lighting as the only source of lighting, which imitates the pale orange sunset to the right of the column, Sister Ruth’s face is lit brightly in orange while the rest of her body is in shadow in outer-space grey. Her clothing is white, which dominates the frame, but the shadows make it look grey. Because the column covers the background wall, which sunset cannot penetrate, the majority of the background is in black. Even though Sister Ruth is centered, white is not emphasized in this shot, as the pale orange and the grey and black shadow are emphasized in the shot.
  Black Narcissus uses three-stripe Technicolor, which more expressively conveys emotions than black and white monochrome cinematography. As Higgins states in “Technology and Aesthetics,” even though the Technicolor technique faced constraints in the 1930s, it developed rapidly in the early 1940s. This film was made in 1947; the colors were more varied, realistic and highly contrasted. These developments in cinematographic aesthetics were products of enhanced Technicolor technology.
  Black Narcissus deploys various colors and generates color motifs, which can characterize emotions. For example, the shot above implies a sense of jealousy. In this scene, Sister Ruth finds out that Mr. Dean and Sister Clodagh are talking privately; she is jealous because she is attracted to Mr. Dean and hates Sister Clodagh. The low-key pale yellow lighting emphasizes Sister Ruth’s face by extension her emotions. The contrast between the brightness of the orange light and the greyness the shadow on the white cloth expressively reveals the inner feelings.
  Despite advances in Technicolor, we still can ascertain the influence of monochrome cinematographic aesthetics due to the abundance of shadows and contrasts. However, due to Technicolor processing, the representation of colors is subtler. Black Narcissus probably adopts the “silver halftone image printed from green record,” as this film perfectly encapsulates the contrast and shadow illumination (Higgins, 65).
【摘要】:人物画是中国传统绘画的重要组成部分,人物画的产生早于其它画科,在周代就有记载的人物画的出现,多以神话和劝诫善恶的题材,魏晋时期人物画的发展逐渐走向成熟,以形写神、形神兼备的观念奠定了中国人物画的基本造型意识。谢赫提出的“六法”成为了传统中国人物畫的审美取向。  【关键词】:传神;形神兼备;造型意识  一传统人物画的功能性演变  在人类文明的早期就有绘画的存在,多以岩画、壁画的形式存在,功
【摘要】:香港曾是英国的殖民地,受到了西方现代化思潮的冲击,呈现出“异域”风貌。黄碧云作为一位香港新生代的本土作家,她在香港和异国学习和生活的经历,让她的创作风格独树一帜。本文将深入阅读小说集《暴烈与温柔》、小说《红灯记》和《盛世恋》,来进一步探究黄碧云的创作特色。  【关键词】:“世纪末”;“暴力美学”;“超冷静叙述”;“女性主义”  一方面,黄碧云的创作风格受到社会环境的影响。就香港而言,殖民
【摘要】:字体设计的本质是根据文字内容的字形字意、合理将文字图形化,使之具有較好的视觉效果和感染力,其形式美是依据字形结构要素及其基本变化规律来实现的。省略笔画的技法在字体设计中运用得十分广泛,可以使笔画繁杂的字体变得简洁清爽,同时还可以产生新的视觉呼应。  【关键词】:字体设计;省略笔画;技法;要点;运用  字体设计是一门传统技艺,自古已有之,在工匠艺人、文人艺术家之间流传比较广泛,我国民间曾广
【摘要】:农村广场文化以群众喜闻乐见的文化娱乐形式,传播着健康文明的思想内容,让人们在潜移默化中受到高尚审美趣味的熏陶,既培植良好的道德情操和文化修养,也展示了本地特有的文化现象。它对承传传统文化,发展繁荣乡土文化、民俗文化也有着不可替代的作用。广场文化的发展,对城乡经济的发展和物质文明建设都发挥着精神动力和智力支持的作用。因此广场文化活动将会在人民群众业余文化生活中占有十分重要的地位。  【关键
【摘要】:“文化是民族的血脉,是人民的精神家园”。检察文化作为社会主义文化的重要组成部分,充分展示了检察机关多年来对党忠诚、牢记使命、维护社会公平正义所取得的成就。在新时代背景下,基层检察机关在文化建设上要坚定政治方向,提高认识,找准站位,解决好检察文化建设过程中出现的突出问题,推动基层检察机关文化建设的持续发展。  【关键词】:基层检察机关;检察文化建设;导向  加强基层检察机关文化建设,是新时
【摘要】:爱马仕丝巾以文化创意、精湛工艺技术、精品意识等闻名世界,其色彩的运用及形象色的开发是奢侈品品牌发展的典范。本文从色彩的三属性色相、纯度和明度三方面展开研究,分析爱马仕丝巾的用色技巧,总结爱马仕用色规律。  【关键词】:爱马仕丝巾;色彩三属性;应用技巧  有科学实验表明当人们在观察设计作品时最初的20秒色彩占80%,造型占20%。经过短短2分钟后:色彩占60%,造型占40%。而5分钟后色彩
【摘要】:《诗经》是我国古代诗歌的开端,是最早的一部诗歌总集。它的语言准确、精练、简明、清新、生动、朴素, 已经达到了很高的水平。《诗经》的语言有如下这些特点:一、叠音词的大量使用;二、重章迭句复沓的章法;三、双声叠韵词的大量运用;四、四言体为主的句式。  【关键词】:叠音词;重章;双声叠韵;四言体  《诗经》是我国古代诗歌的开端,是最早的一部诗歌总集,原称“诗”或“诗三百”,收集了西周初年至春秋
【摘要】:八十年代,法国哲学家吉拉斯·德勒兹写了两本关于电影的书,《电影一:动作影像》和《电影二:时间影像》。经常有人指责,他那些稍显晦涩的文本难以洞察,太過于集中在作者电影,而且只对欧洲艺术电影适用。作为对照,本文将展开德勒兹的电影哲学,以典型的好莱坞浪漫轻喜剧《初恋五十次》为例,说明它能够用于分析现代美国电影,而且是好莱坞的主流商业影片。  【关键词】:时间影像;动作影像;好莱坞;浪漫喜剧  
【Abstract】:Reading is a significant part of mastering a language. This article discusses the importance of reading in learning a foreign language and illustrates the three reasons of this statement.  