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1993年4月,我应格中友协和第比利斯美术大学的邀请,赴地跨欧亚大陆的格鲁吉亚进行了学术交流。当时,格鲁吉亚正笼罩在内战的阴云中,这多少也为此时作“战时出访”增添了隐隐的不安。然而当我一踏上格鲁吉亚的土地,明媚的春光,开满鲜花的田野,尤其是首都第比利斯那浓郁的民族风格的新老建筑和比比皆是林立街头的雕塑,一种令人感奋的艺术气氛扑面而来,顿时扫去了十几天火车旅途的疲劳和倦意。 中国一词在格语中意为“最好”的代名词,它是中格友好交流的历史证明。远在上古时代,格中已有往来。“丝绸之路”进一步促进了两国间的贸易和文化交流,成为连接友谊的历史钮带。在格的三个月时间不仅使我能有机会对格鲁吉亚的历史和人民有所了解,而且也切身体验到格中友谊至深的美好情感。我由衷地庆幸这次出访,更庆幸我在格结识了许多善良、纯朴的朋友,许多才华出众的艺术家,看到了他们的工作景况和独具民族风格、难以尽数的艺术作品。 In April 1993, at the invitation of the China-UFIE and the Tbilisi Art University, I went to conduct academic exchanges in Georgia across the Eurasian continent. At that time, Georgia was shrouded in dark clouds of civil war, which added more and more faint anxiety to this “wartime visit.” However, as soon as I embarked on the land of Georgia, the bright spring, the flower-filled fields, especially the rich and new national-style buildings in the capital Tbilisi and the sculptures all over the streets, The artistic atmosphere blowing, suddenly swept away more than a dozen train journey tired and tired. The Chinese word is synonymous with “best” in the German language and is a historical proof of the friendly exchange between China and Georgia. Far in ancient times, the grid has been exchanges. The “Silk Road” further promoted the trade and cultural exchanges between the two countries and became the historical link in connecting friendship. During the three months of his stay, I not only had the opportunity to understand the history and people of Georgia, but also experienced the wonderful emotion of deepening friendship in Georgia. I sincerely feel fortunate to have this visit. I am even more fortunate that I have met many good and simple friends, many talented artists, and I have seen their working conditions and unique ethnic style and hard to find works of art.
6月26日,美国众议院仅以两票的微弱优势通过了《清洁能源与安全议案》。随后这部美国议案在世界范围内引发了热烈的议论,因为该议案宣称,将从2020年起,对不接受污染物减排标准的国家实行贸易制裁,具体的措施将表现为对未达到碳排放标准的外国产品征收惩罚性关税。“碳关税”的说法由此而来。    什么是“碳关税”    简单地说,“碳关税”是指对高能耗产品进口征收特别的二氧化碳排放关税。由于生产高耗能产品所
本文阐述了作为数字信号处理基础的数字滤波器和各种变换技术中最引人注目的 Winograd 傅里叶变换及数论变换,并且,还概述了实时数字信号处理及其大规模集成电路,以及利用微
目的:检测骨髓增生异常综合征(mds)患者中SHIP、caspase-3 mRNA的表达,探讨其与MDS的发病机制及向白血病转化过程的关系. 方法:根据国际预后评分系统(IPSS)入选MDS患者低