
来源 :金属热处理学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jeanstrouse
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GCr15钢是一种高碳铬钢,广泛用于制作轴承、量具、冷冲模等。服役条件要求 GCr15钢具有高硬度、高耐磨性、高强度及接触疲劳抗力。除控制钢的成分和冶金质量外,还要通过适当的热处理才能满足要求。本文的工作主要在于弄清 GCr15钢中马氏体转变量及耐磨性随热处理工艺变化的规律及原因,从而为生产应用提供依据。材料是工业用 GCr15钢,经球化退火,组织为细粒状珠光体。加工成15mm×20mm×3mmX 射线衍射试样及(?)40mm×10mm 的耐磨试样。淬火加热用中温盐浴炉。用 APD·10型全自动 X 射线衍射仪, GCr15 steel is a high carbon chromium steel, widely used in the production of bearings, measuring tools, die and so on. Service conditions GCr15 steel with high hardness, high wear resistance, high strength and contact fatigue resistance. In addition to controlling the composition and metallurgical quality of the steel, adequate heat treatment is required to meet the requirements. The main work of this paper is to find out the rules and causes of martensite transformation and wear resistance of GCr15 steel with heat treatment process, so as to provide basis for production and application. The material is GCr15 steel for industrial use, which is spheroidized and annealed to form fine-grained pearlite. Processed into 15mm × 20mm × 3mm X-ray diffraction samples and (?) 40mm × 10mm wear-resistant specimens. Quenching heating with temperature salt bath furnace. With APD · 10 automatic X-ray diffractometer,
肿瘤血管生成抑制剂是一类能破坏或抑制血管生成 ,有效地阻止肿瘤的生长和转移的药物 ,按作用机制可分为五大类 :1 抑制基底膜降解 ;2 直接抑制内皮细胞增殖 ;3 抑制血管生
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5 金属材料研究进展及展望金属材料科学是一门边缘学科,随着它的崛起,使替代医学已从想象成为现实,从而为伤残重建和延长生命作出贡献。我国已开展生物材料的研制与应用,并
在毛泽东漫长的生涯中,他和美国发生了密切的联系。他不仅仅以其杰出的政治活动,影响和改变了中美之间的关系,而且以他的人格,他的多方面的思想,引起了 During his long ca
糜蛋白酶是由牛胰脏中分离制得的一种蛋白酶 ,能迅速分解蛋白质 ,可用于创伤、局部炎症、脓痰液化等。我院常用于喷雾吸入治疗上呼吸道炎症和前列腺内或肌肉注射治疗前列腺炎
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