
来源 :贵州农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nish2008
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我们于1980~1983年测定了毕节地区231个土种16442个土样速效钾含量结果是:全区速效钾含量200ppm的土地占总耕地面积19.23%,含量200~150ppm的占15.67%.含量150~100ppm占21.98%,含量100~50ppm占28.97%,含量50ppm以下占14.15%。其中稻田速效钾含量一般为100~150ppm,可满足水稻对钾的需要;旱作土速效钾含量一般为50~100ppm,能满足旱作正常生长需要。全区速效钾含量东部高,西部低;坝地高,坡地低;高产田土含量低;低产田土含量高。此外速效钾含量与硅铝质黄壤、铁铝质黄壤的物理性粘粒百分率,与紫沙泥、灰黄泥中全氮含量(%),与大黄灰泡泥的有机质含量(%)等均呈正相关;与紫沙泥、大土泥的pH,与紫沙泥、小灰黄泥所处海拔,与紫沙泥坡度等均呈负相关。根据毕节地区种植面积和作物需钾计算,全区每年应施用 K_2O量约为22~28万吨左右,而全区钾肥来源远不能满足需要。 We measured the available potassium content of 16442 soil samples of 231 soils in Bijie from 1980 to 1983 as follows: the area with 200ppm of available potassium content accounted for 19.23% of the total cultivated land area and the content of 200 ~ 150ppm accounted for 15.67% ~ 100ppm accounted for 21.98%, the content of 100 ~ 50ppm accounted for 28.97%, the content of 50ppm accounted for 14.15%. The content of available potassium in paddy field is generally 100-150ppm, which can meet the demand of potassium in paddy soil. The content of available potassium in dryland soil is generally 50-100ppm, which can meet the need of normal growth in dry land. The available potassium content in the region is high in the east and low in the west; the dam is high and the slope is low; the content of high-yield soil is low; the content of low-yield soil is high. In addition, the contents of available potassium and the percentage of physical clay in siliceous yellow soil and iron-aluminum yellow soil were similar to those in purple sand mud, gray-yellow mud and total organic matter (%) There was a positive correlation between pH and purple sand mud, the pH value of macrophylla, negative correlation with purple sand, the elevation of small lime mud, and the slope of purple sand. According to the planted area of ​​Bijie and crop potassium requirement, K2O amount should be about 220,000-280,000 tons per year in the whole region, and the source of potash fertilizer in the whole region can not meet the need.
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古城宝鸡。在改革开放的春风激荡下 ,各行各业生机勃勃 ,日新月异。勿容置疑 ,能在宝鸡市坐上财政局长的“宝座” ,称得上是众人仰慕的“杰出”人物。然而 ,1991年10月任市财政局局