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“江山代有才人出,各领风骚数百年。”华夏名人学士不计其数,江山永固,斗转星移,一代代新人不断涌现。山东省青年实力派中国人物画家“数风流人物还看今朝”画展将在2016年1月底拉开帷幕。这是山东省文艺界的一件喜事。本次画展收录的画家单位涵盖山东省美协、山东省画院、省内部分高等院校和各专业美术创作机构,参展画家有张宜、杨晓刚、吴磊等15人。画作均为画家近年来新创作的精品力作,主题鲜明、风格各异,在一定程度上代表了山东省当代青年中国人物画的创作实力和水平,尤为值得关注的是,主办方在策划本次展览过程中还增加了命题画作:齐鲁历史名人和为新中国成立、建设做出突出贡献的山东籍英雄模范人物。画家们通过不同技法和对人物的深刻解读,用书画的语言再现了人物的精神风貌。作为山东省当代青年实力派中国人物画家创作成果的一次集中展示,画作将对弘扬中华优秀传统文化,扩大山东省中国人物画在全国美术界的影响,推动山东美术事业的发展起到积极作用。 “There are talented people on behalf of the country, the leadership of hundreds of years.” Huaxia celebrities countless countless, Jiangshan Yongguang, bucket to star, a generation of new people continue to emerge. Shandong Province, young strength to send Chinese figure painter “number of romantic figures also look at this ” exhibition will be opened in late January 2016. This is a happy event in Shandong Province. The painters included in this exhibition cover the Artists Association of Shandong Province, Shandong Academy of Painting, some institutions of higher education in the province and various professional creative institutions. There are 15 exhibitors including Zhang Yi, Yang Xiaogang and Wu Lei. The paintings are all newly created masterpieces of masterpieces in recent years. The theme is distinctive and the styles are different. To a certain extent, they represent the creative power and level of contemporary Chinese portraits in Shandong Province. Particularly worth noting is that the organizers are planning this The exhibition also added the proposition paintings: Qilu historical celebrities and for the establishment of new China, to make outstanding contributions to the Shandong nationality hero model. Painters through the different techniques and the profound interpretation of the characters, the language of calligraphy and painting reproduce the spirit of the characters. As a concentrated demonstration of the achievements of the contemporary young people in Shandong Province in the creation of Chinese figure painters, the painting will play an active role in carrying forward the fine traditional Chinese culture, expanding the influence of Chinese figure painting in Shandong Province on the national fine arts circle, and promoting the development of Shandong’s fine arts.
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在佛山市丝瓜主产区系统开展“3414”试验的基础上,深入分析了丝瓜相对产量与施肥量之间的回归关系,并建立了三元二次回归方程:Y=1 699.09+52.89N-3.82P+59.27K-1.17N~2-0.11
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自然界的物质性与精神性,自然法则与社会,自然定律的遵守与违背,物质性与精神性,作品的思考是基于这些概念之间的微妙关系。  所以,我将动物变形放大,让他们出现在城市中而不是森林里,因为这种突兀的,让人不适应的视觉感受会给人们以一种刺激,引发思考与联想,将自然界与人类社会,物质与精神,自然定律的遵守与违背这些相对的概念之间的关系传达出来。将人们的联想引入大自然、人类、不变的自然定律、发展中的城市这些概