
来源 :中国行政管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lvyuxuan3652008
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虽然行政-立法关系研究可以追溯到孟德斯鸠的《论法的精神》这一经典,但其作为一个相对独立研究领域的出现则是上个世纪70年代末的事。本文基于丰富的文献,描述并探讨国外(主要是西方)行政-立法关系研究的兴起与主题,论及行政-立法关系的内涵、行政-立法关系模式、不同政体背景下的行政-立法关系、行政-立法关系的影响因素以及国外学者对中国行政-立法关系的研究等内容。作者认为,当前在我国加强对行政-立法关系研究,建立中国本土化的行政-立法关系理论框架与话语系统,具有重要的理论与实践意义——在实践上有助于推进社会主义民主政治制度建设、国家治理体系与治理能力的现代化以及人民代表大会制度的与时俱进,在学术上有助于拓展或丰富政治学及相关学科的研究主题与内容。 Although the study of the relationship between the executive and the legislature can be traced back to Montesquieu’s classic of “the spirit of the law of law,” its appearance as a relatively independent field of study is what happened in the late 1970s. Based on rich literature, this paper describes and explores the rise and theme of the research on the relationship between foreign countries (mainly the West) and the relationship between the executive and the legislature, the relationship between the executive and the legislature, the relationship between the executive and the legislature under different political backgrounds, The influencing factors of the relationship between the executive and the legislature as well as the foreign scholars’ research on the relationship between the executive and the legislature in China. The author believes that it is of great theoretical and practical significance to strengthen the study of the relationship between the executive and the legislature in our country and to establish the theoretical framework and discourse system of the administrative-legislative relations in the localization of China. In practice, it helps to promote the socialist democratic political system The modernization of state administration system and governance ability and the advancing of the system of the people’s congress system help to expand or enrich the research themes and contents of political science and related disciplines.