坚持正确的办刊方向 为中小学校改革与发展服务

来源 :中小学校长 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aiminis
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《中小学校长》是1995年由原国家教育委员会人事司、基础教育司和师范教育司等司局指导,国家教育行政学院主办,配合“百万中小学校长培训项目”而创立的专业指导性刊物。十几年来,《中小学校长》适应我国教育改革与发展的需要,紧密结合中小学校长队伍建设和教育干部培训的实际,坚持正确 The “School Headmaster” was established in 1995 by the Department of Personnel of the former State Education Commission, the Department of Basic Education, and the Department of Teacher Education, and was sponsored by the National Institute of Educational Administration and cooperated with the “Millions of Primary and Middle School Principal Training Programs”. Guided publications. For more than a decade, the “Headmaster of Primary and Secondary Schools” has adapted to the needs of China’s education reform and development, closely integrated with the construction of the team of primary and secondary school principals and the actual training of education cadres, and persisted in correctness.
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