引言: 2006,又到世界杯之年。四年一度的盛典,世界豪强短兵相接。莱比锡之夜拉开了大战的序幕,分组抽签尘埃落定后,备种幻想早已迫不及待。强大得令人恐怖的巴西队能否如愿以偿夺冠?悲伤的阿根廷人是否还会延续他们的忧郁?浪漫的法兰西继续猝死?荷兰郁金香何时绽放?占尽天时、地利、人和的德国人真的能重现昔日辉煌吗?有意大利,还有西班牙;有深不可测的墨西哥,还有踌躇满志的英格兰;有非洲大陆的可怕黑马,还有为荣誉而战的亚洲兄弟。在世界杯这个最炫目的大舞台上,高潮随时都会来临。
Introduction: 2006, went to the World Cup year. The four annual festival, the world’s best hand in hand. The night of Leipzig opened the prelude to the war, the group lottery after the dust settles, the kind of illusion has long been unable to wait. Can the Argentine be sad continue their melancholy? Romance of France continue to die suddenly? Dutch tulips bloom? Gentle, geography, people and the Germans really To reproduce the former glory? There Italy, Spain; unfathomable Mexico, as well as complacent England; terrible dark horse on the African continent, as well as honor for the fraternal brothers in Asia. The climax of the World Cup, the most dazzling big stage, will come at any time.