目的研究小剂量的抗抑郁药物和精神病药在治疗肠易激惹综合征临床效果。方法按照lBS的国际罗马标准,将100例病人随机分为治疗组和对照组成,治疗组在常规治疗的基础上,小剂量氟西汀,10mgqdpo。硫苯酰胺0.1bidpo。疗程均为1个月。结果治疗组总有效率达88%,且副作用较少,对照组总有效率达56%两组数据经统计学分析有显著差异;结论 IBS在常规治疗基础上,加用调节神经和精神的药物,可以明显提高治愈率。减轻患者的精神负担和经济负担。
Objective To study the clinical effects of low-dose antidepressants and psychiatric drugs in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome. Methods According to the international Roman standard of lBS, 100 patients were randomly divided into treatment group and control group. The treatment group received low dose fluoxetine 10 mg qdpo on the basis of routine treatment. Thiobenzamide 0.1bidpo. Treatment are 1 month. Results The total effective rate of the treatment group was 88% with fewer side effects, and the total effective rate of the control group was 56%. There was significant difference between the two groups by statistical analysis. CONCLUSIONS: Based on routine treatment, IBS combined with drugs that regulate nerves and nerves , Can significantly improve the cure rate. Reduce the mental burden and financial burden on patients.