来源 :International Journal of Sediment Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:alangao12345
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Man-induced sediment disasters result from sedimentation due to human activities. In this paper classification of the main types and character of man-induced sediment disasters is given. Sediment disasters are characterized as follows: (1) tendency for increased frequency as a function of China抯 geographical zones, (2) non-order characteristics resulting from blind action without special technical training, (3) gradual and sharp changes with human environment change, and (4) complexity and non-linear features. Important factors leading to man-induced sediment disasters include human environment perturbation and lack of education. After sustaining or stabilizing the environment and educating people properly, man-induced sediment disasters can be reduced. There are several effective approaches for implementing this, for instance, strengthening erosion control and sediment management methods, strictly executing the prevailing soil and water conservation law, raising people抯 understanding of the importance of environmental protection through education. Man-induced sediment disasters result from sedimentation due to human activities. In this paper classification of the main types and character of man-induced sediment disasters is given. (1) tendency for increased frequency as a function of China’s geographical zones, (2) non-order characteristics resulting from blind action without special technical training, (3) gradual and sharp changes with human environment change, and (4) complexity and non-linear features. induced sediment disasters include human environment perturbation and lack of education. After sustaining or stabilizing the environment and educating people properly, man-induced sediment disasters can be reduced. There are several effective approaches for implementing this, for instance, strengthening erosion control and sediment management methods, strictly executing the prevailing soil and water conservation law, raising people’s understan ding of the importance of environmental protection through education.
在长期的临床工作中,接触过很多卵巢癌病人。她们多数人能积极配合医生,坚持化疗,与病魔展开顽强的斗争,取得了显著疗效。但也有少数人因难以耐受或悲观失望而放弃化疗,丧失了治疗机会,过早地断送了性命。因此,作为一个从事癌症治疗的医务工作者,很有必要和她们谈谈术后为什么要坚持化疗。  卵巢癌患者就诊时,大多数已属晚期,手术治疗很难将肿瘤全部切净;即使是早期患者,手术虽可彻底清除局部肿瘤,但对已转移到别处的
子宫肌瘤像其他肿瘤一样,其原因尚不明了。但子宫肌瘤的症状。与其大小、部位有密切的关系。浆膜下(即子宫表面)或小型壁间肌瘤(即子宫壁中间)多无症状,常在偶然的机会或体检时发现。临床工作中子宫肌瘤常见的症状有:  一、月经改变:月经量过多,经期时间过长,是最常见的症状。其原因是子宫肌瘤使子宫体积扩大,子宫内膜面积相应增多,或内膜过度增厚,妨碍子宫收缩。这样明显的月经变化多发生于粘膜下肌瘤(即子宫的最内
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有人对多胎现象,十分羡慕,这是单纯从“增加人口”的角度而言。如果人们知道母亲和婴儿将历经多少生命攸关的风险,则有可能望而却步了。  双胎(或多胎),对孕母和胎儿都有很大的威胁。很多胎儿因此而丧失了生命,存活的仅仅是其中的一小部分,健康成长的更是微乎其微。为什么呢?因为双胎(或多胎)生理机制的关系,所带来的母胎(或母婴)的并发症,比单胎多得多。    一、从胎儿角度来讲    1 畸形儿的增加。总的
In recent decades, the Lower Yellow River (LYR) has suffered continuously from drought. The water traditionally reserved for sediment transport has for various
妇科急诊室的门被重重地推开了,一个身材魁梧的男人架扶着一个瘦小、虚弱的女人风风火火地闯了进来,焦急地哀求大夫说:“快救救我爱人吧!”女人双眼紧闭,面色苍白,弯着腰,双手紧按着下腹部,呻吟着,无力地靠在丈夫身上。  大夫帮女人平躺下来,仔细询问病情又做了详细的检查,随即请护士给她注射了一针,渐渐地,女人安静下来,眉宇舒展了,口唇也有了血色。男人深深地舒了一口气,向大夫诉说起他们的经历。  原来这对夫