Effect of combinative addition of strontium and rare earth elements on corrosion resistance of AZ91D

来源 :Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:longweii
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The influence of strontium(Sr) and rare earth(RE) elements on the corrosion behavior of AZ91D magnesium alloy was investigated by conventional corrosion testing and electrochemical measurements in 3.5% NaCl solution.After comparing the mass loss and hydrogen evolution of the samples,the microstructures of the alloys and the morphologies of their corrosion product films were characterized by electron probe microanalysis-energy dispersive spectrometry(EPMA-EDS) and Auger electron spectroscopy(AES).Compared with individual addition of Sr or RE to AZ91D,the combinative addition of 0.5% Sr and 1% RE to AZ91D successfully decreases the corrosion rate further,which can be attributed to the depression of micro-galvanic couples,as well as the formation of more protective film due to aluminum enrichment.The combinative addition of strontium and rare earth elements to AZ91D magnesium alloy appears to be a promising approach to increase its corrosion resistance. The influence of strontium (Sr) and rare earth (RE) elements on the corrosion behavior of AZ91D magnesium alloy was investigated by conventional corrosion testing and electrochemical measurements in 3.5% NaCl solution. Even comparing the mass loss and hydrogen evolution of the samples, the microstructures of the alloys and the morphologies of their corrosion product films were characterized by electron probe microanalysis-energy dispersive spectrometry (EPMA-EDS) and Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) .Compared with individual addition of Sr or RE to AZ91D, the combinative addition of 0.5% Sr and 1% RE to AZ91D successfully decreases the corrosion rate further, which can be attributed to the depression of micro-galvanic couples, as well as the formation of more protective film due to aluminum enrichment. Combinative addition of strontium and rare earth elements to AZ91D magnesium alloy appears to be a promising approach to increase its corrosion resistance.
一、林则徐天资聪颖,林父教子有方,河南省永城县知县郑大模邂逅林则徐,认为此子日后必成大器,将爱女许配林则徐    林则徐,1785年(乾隆五十年)8月30日出生在福建侯官(今福州)一个世代耕读之家。在林则徐未成为封疆大吏之前,林家也是寻常百姓,并不是当地名门望族,更谈不上是什么大家族。其父林宾日,原名林天翰,是清嘉庆侯官贡生。贡生是在明、清两朝科举制度中被选取入太学或备录用的秀才。  贡生林宾日借
民国建造后,段祺瑞曾召郑孝胥入阁执掌交通,但被郑孝胥断然拒绝。郑孝胥并非不想做官,但他想做的,是大清朝的官。     1923年8月22日,一辆马车匆匆驶入紫禁城神武门。车中的客人先来到内务府朝房,与几位大清遗老见了面,正午时分,他来到养心殿,看见了那位自己朝思暮想的年轻人。很快,静谧的宫城中隐约传来一个老人的哭声。  这是溥仪第一次见到郑孝胥。年轻的逊位皇帝后来回忆到:“他从盘古开天辟地一直谈到
Fe-Cr-Mo-Ni-C-Co alloy was quenched in liquid nitrogen and held for 24 h.Hardness tester,OM,XRD,SEM were used to investigate the mechanical properties and micro