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朵噶·彭措饶杰,中国人民解放军高级将领,西藏著名的爱国上层人士。和平解放前为西藏地方政府四噶伦之一、藏军总司令;和平解放后1956年任西藏自治区筹备委员会委员、中国人民解放军西藏军区副司令员。20世纪50年代初,中国人民解放军进军西藏的关键历史时期,国内国际政治形势错综复杂,朵噶·彭措饶杰审时度势,积极拥护中央人民政府和平解放西藏的方针及关于西藏工作的各项举措,热情参与西藏地方政府和军区的领导工作,为民族团结、西藏内部的团结和社会稳定、发展、建设付出了心血,做出了贡献。在维护祖国统一、反对分裂问题上他立场坚定、旗帜鲜明,关键时刻敢于挺身而出,与分裂分子做斗争。1956年在陪同达赖喇嘛到印度参加释迦牟尼诞生2500年纪念活动后,在日喀则停留期间的1957年藏历年期间,因劳累过度辞世,终年54岁。2003年是这位爱国人士、我军的高级将领百年诞辰,本刊特在此辑录他的一些事迹,以示纪念。 Dao Karpo Pengcuo Rao Jie, senior general of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, the famous patriotic upper class in Tibet. Before the peaceful liberation, he was one of the four kalonlunsi of the Tibetan local government, the commander-in-chief of the Tibetan Army; and a member of the Preparatory Committee of the Tibet Autonomous Region since 1964 after the liberation of peace and the deputy commander of the Tibetan Military Region of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army. In the early 1950s, the Chinese People’s Liberation Army marched into Tibet at a crucial historical period. The political situation in both China and other countries was very complicated. For details, Enthusiastic participation in the leadership work of the local governments and military regions in Tibet has contributed to the national unity, the unity within Tibet and social stability, development and construction. In resolving the issue of safeguarding the reunification of the motherland and opposing splittism, he holds a firm stance and a clear-cut stand and dares to step forward and fight the separatists at a crucial moment. After accompanying the Dalai Lama to India for the 2,500-year anniversary of the birth of Sakyamuni in 1956, he was 54 years old during his Tibetan calendar year 1957 during his stay in Shigatse due to overwork. In 2003, this patriotic person, the centenary of our army’s top generals, was here to record some of his deeds in commemoration.