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根据包伟民教授等学者的整理与研究,现存徐谓礼文书凡计十五卷,都是录白(即抄录的复本),按内容可分为三大部分,即:“录白告身”二卷,“录白敕黄”一卷,“录白印纸”十二卷。其中,“告身”为徐谓礼历任阶官之官告,“敕黄”则为徐谓礼历任差遣的敕牒,“印纸”则完整记录了徐谓礼从嘉定十四年(一二二一)以承务郎 According to the collation and research of Professor Bao Weimin and other scholars, the existing Xu said that when the essay is written in fifteen volumes, all of them are recorded (that is, transcribed copies). According to the content, they can be divided into three parts: Tell the body “two volumes, ” recorded white “a roll, ” recorded white paper “twelve volumes. Among them, the ”body“ for the Xu said Li served as officer of the official notice, ”Huang Huang “ Xu Xu said that the ritual was sent Xu, ”paper " is a complete record of the Xu said Jiading fourteen years (January 21) with Cheng Lang
The nonlinear large deflection differential equation, based on the assumption that the subsoil coefficient is the 2nd root of the depth, was established by ener
故障现象开机能正常自检 ,按下曝光按钮后有时能照相有时不能照相 ,但CRT组件能正常走位。近期故障加剧 ,有时干脆就不能照相了。故障检修打开照相机右侧板去掉显象管暗箱的
SHIMADZUHD150G -12X线机是一台1000mA、最短曝光时间可达到3/1000秒、电路具有预磁功能 (防止高压变压器铁芯偏磁 ,主要用于快速摄影 )、可进行每秒15桢快速摄影的工频机。
The simulated heat affected zone (HAZ) of the high strength low alloy (HSLA) steels containing 0%, 0.047%, 0.097% and 0.151% vanadium, respectively, were studie