一、人工辅助授粉 西瓜经人工辅助授粉,坐果率可提高80%—90%,增产10%—15%。其方法是:在西瓜雄花和雌花都正在开放的时期,于上午6—9点钟,摘下雄花,剥去花瓣,轻轻将花粉涂于雌花的柱头。每朵雄花可涂3至4朵雌花。授粉动作要轻,不能触动子房,以免受机械损伤而影响结瓜。还可用松散的毛笔在开放的雄花药上蘸上花粉,再轻轻涂抹于雌花的柱头上。 二、掐茎 想要幼瓜坐得稳,可在幼
First, artificial pollination Watermelon assisted by artificial pollination, fruit set rate can be increased by 80% -90%, an increase of 10% -15%. The method is: in the watermelon male and female flowers are open period, at 6-9 o’clock in the morning, take off male flowers, stripped of petals, gently pollen applied to the stigma of female flowers. Each male flower can be painted 3 to 4 female flowers. Pollination should be light, can not touch the ovary, so as not to affect the mechanical damage caused by melon. You can also use a loose brush in the open anthers dipped in pollen, and then gently smear on the stigma of female flowers. Second, pinching stems You want to sit tight, young