
来源 :脑与神经疾病杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jinnanwc2
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本研究采用液氮冷冻Wistar大鼠一侧大脑制成血管源性脑水肿模型,将大鼠全脑沿冷冻中心制成冠状面冰冻切片,运用免疫组化染色观察脑水肿组及对照组白质血脑屏障内皮细胞ICAM-1蛋白表达量的变化。对此进行图像分析.并将脑组织冰冻切片与大鼠T淋巴细胞悬液共同孵育后,常规HE染色、显微镜下观察,求出T淋巴细胞与血管壁的特异性粘附率,发现大鼠内皮细胞在正常情况下表达少量的ICAM-1蛋白分子,冷冻后3小时有明显的升高(P<0.001),3~12小时达高峰,以后逐渐恢复,至24小时后基本降至冷冻前表达量水平,ICAM-1蛋白表达量的高峰时间与脑水肿达高峰的时间一致;T淋巴细胞的特异性粘附率在事先未满加抗ICAM-1单抗组较高,而在事先满加抗ICAM-1单抗组则明显下降(P<0.0001),但并未完全被抑制,说明ICAM-1并不是唯一介导T淋巴细胞特异性粘附的分子。 In this study, a model of vasogenic brain edema was made by freezing the brain of one side of a liquid nitrogen-frozen Wistar rat. The whole brain of the rat was made into a coronal frozen section along the freezing center, and the cerebral edema group and the control group were observed by immunohistochemistry. Changes of ICAM-1 protein expression in brain barrier endothelial cells. Do this for image analysis. The frozen sections of brain tissue were co-incubated with T lymphocyte suspension of rats. The cells were stained with HE and observed under a microscope. The specific adhesion rate of T lymphocytes to the blood vessel wall was obtained. Under normal conditions, Expression of a small amount of ICAM-1 protein molecules, 3 hours after freezing significantly increased (P <0.001), 3 to 12 hours peaked, then gradually recovered to 24 hours after the basic reduced to the level of expression level before freezing, ICAM-1 protein expression peak time consistent with the peak time of cerebral edema; T lymphocyte specific adhesion rate in the prior under the anti-ICAM-1 monoclonal antibody group was higher, and in advance with anti-ICAM- 1 mAb was significantly decreased (P <0.0001), but not completely inhibited, indicating that ICAM-1 is not the only molecule that mediates T lymphocyte-specific adhesion.
作文是广大农村小学教师最感头痛的难题:“教作文难哪!”造成这种状况的原因何在?出路何寻?如何引导学生走出峡谷呢? 一、疏通语言关我手写我口农村儿童习惯于讲方言,一些教
男17例,女4例。40岁以上者占90.9%。咳嗽、咳痰20例,发热12例,胸痛10例,痰血7例。半鼓患者白细胞总数增高和血沉增快。X 线特点:球形病灶以低、中密度增高阴影为多,边缘模糊,
A sodium zinc thiostannate Na_2ZnSn_2S_6 is reported with its interesting structural features and property characteristics. It crystallizes in the polar space %
朱健,男, 1973年 12月出生, 1992年 9月参加工作, 1997年 7月担任灌南县交通道路稽查队副队长。参加工作以来,由于工作成绩突出,他先后 3次受到县交通局表彰, 2次获得市交通局表彰, 1