
来源 :档案学通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guojiaguangdian
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恢复档案 振兴档案 1.宏图和规划。 第一期总共刊登了三篇文章; 第一篇就是以《按照总任务的要求,绘制档案科学研究宏图》为题的档案科学规划座谈会讨论辑要。报道了与会人员一致表示:五届人大确定了新的发展时期的总任务,要乘五届人大的东风,在党中央的领导下,把档案事业搞上去,把档案科学研究搞上去,让档案资料充分发挥作用。并且一致认为:要发展档案事业,发展档案科学研究,必须深入揭批“四人帮”,彻底肃清其反革命路线在档案战线上的流毒与影响。 第二篇是《档案学八年(1978——1985)规划的初步设想》(草稿),这个草稿是在中国社会科学院规划办公室主持召开的档案科学规划座谈会的基础上,由档案学规划小组草拟的。由于时间急迫,当时只有在京档案界部分同志参加讨论,没有广泛征求全国档案部门的意见,《档案通讯》摘要刊载出来,希望听取大家的意见,以便修改补充。 Restore file rejuvenation file 1. grand plan and planning. The first issue of a total of three articles published; the first is to “in accordance with the requirements of the general task of mapping the grand vision of archival science” as the archives of scientific planning forum discussion. The participants unanimously said: The Fifth National People’s Congress has decided on the general task of the new period of development. We should take the east wind of the Fifth National People’s Congress and, under the leadership of the party Central Committee, carry out the cause of archival work and engage in archival scientific research so that the files Information fully functional. They also agreed that in order to develop archives and develop scientific research on archives, we must thoroughly expose and criticize the “gang of four” and completely eliminate the poison and influence of the counter-revolutionary line on the archives front. The second is the “tentative plan for the archives eight years (1978-1985) planning” (draft), the draft is in the CASS Planning Office under the auspices of the file science planning forum, based on the archives planning team Drafted. Due to the urgency of time, some comrades in the archives sector in Beijing only participated in the discussion at that time and did not widely solicit the opinions of the archives departments in the whole country. The “Digest of Archives and Communications” was published in the hope of listening to everyone’s opinions for amendment and supplement.
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二、军队档案工作的管理及特点 在谈军队档案工作管理的时候,首先讲军队档案工作的指导思想。我国档案工作实行统一领导、分级管理的原则。这一原则的确定,是由我们社会主义
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