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近年来,党中央在大力倡导创新,我认为意义重大。现阶段,我国的政治、经济当然也包括出版,都迫切需要创新。广义的创新,它涵盖制度创新、体制创新等多个方面、多个层面。特别是加入WTO之后,形势要求我们更多地修正原来的思维模式,与时俱进,按照国际惯例办事。请允许我把话题拉到100多年以前。中国遭遇鸦片战争之后,国门被打开,但当时的清政府并没有因此而产生图强和创新的冲动。自此,我们的国家便落入了一种屈辱而痛苦的命运之中,国势日渐衰微,弱到连过去历朝历代都将中国视为楷模的日本也胆敢来侵略我们。再看现在,我们一直认为,我们的改革开放,走在了俄罗斯前面,因为在我们一部分人开始走向富裕的时候,俄罗斯人还在饱受政局动荡、通货膨胀、商品匮乏的 In recent years, the CPC Central Committee has been vigorously promoting innovation. I think it is of great significance. At this stage, of course, our country’s politics and economy also include publishing. We all urgently need innovation. Broad sense of innovation, which covers the system of innovation, institutional innovation, and many other aspects, at multiple levels. Especially after China’s accession to the WTO, the situation requires us to amend more original mode of thinking, keep pace with the times and act in accordance with international practice. Please allow me to pull the topic more than 100 years ago. After China experienced the Opium War, the country was opened, but at that time, the Qing government did not have the impulsive and innovative impulse. Since then, our country has plunged into a humiliating and painful fate. The situation in China is becoming increasingly weaker and weaker, so weak that even Japan, which used to serve as a model for China in all previous Dynasties, dared to invade us. Looking now, we have always believed that our reform and opening up are in front of Russia because, as some of us are beginning to get rich, the Russians are still suffering from political turmoil, inflation and commodity starvation
1 引 言华药集团公司(前身是华北制药厂)是亚洲最大的抗生素制药企业,始建于五十年代,当时的选址已属城郊,但随着经济的迅猛发展,它所处的位置已逐渐成为经济中心,随之而来的是企业
经营企业,求大求快固然可以,但盲目发展、不计成本则不可以。雄心万丈、意欲一下子把书店办成香港亚马逊的本文主人公就吃了决策失误的苦果。 It is certainly possible to
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