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12月1日,重庆邮电大学第一届董事会第三次董事大会在该校逸夫楼学术报告厅成功召开。大会由重庆邮电大学党委书记、董事会副主席陈流汀主持。原信息产业部部长、重庆邮电大学第一届董事会名誉主席吴基传,中国工程研究院原副院长、重庆邮电大学名誉校长、第一届董事会主席邬贺铨院士,工信部电信管理局巡视员张新生,重庆市经信委主任、重庆邮电大学第一届董事会副主席沐华平、重庆邮电大学周旭、重庆市教委主任、重庆市科委副主任徐青以及来自大型企业、科研院所、学术组织、金融单位和产业园区的共56家董事单位的代表参加会议。邬贺铨向长期以来关心支持学校建设发展的各董事单位表示衷心感谢,并对董事会这一年来在促进学校 On December 1, the Third Board Meeting of the First Board of Directors of Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications was successfully held in the Academic Hall of Shaw House of the University. The congress was presided over by Chen Liuting, party secretary of Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications and vice chairman of the board of directors. Mr. Wu Ji-chuan, honorary president of the First Board of Directors of Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, former vice president of China Engineering Research Institute, honorary president of Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Mr. Wu Hequan, chairman of the first board of directors, inspector Zhang Xinsheng of Telecommunications Authority of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Chongqing Municipality by the Commission, Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications First Vice-Chairman Mu Waping, Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications Zhou Xu, director of Chongqing Municipal Education Commission, Chongqing Municipal Science and Technology Commission Xuqing, deputy director and from large enterprises, research institutes, academic organizations , Financial institutions and industrial parks in a total of 56 representatives of directors attended the meeting. Wu He Quan expressed his sincere gratitude to all the directors and units that have long been concerned about and supported the construction and development of the school. He also expressed his heartfelt thanks to the Board of Directors for promoting the school
【摘要】随着建筑行业的发展,高层建筑数量比以往大大增加了,但是相对应的土木建筑项目的裂缝、渗漏等问题也越来越突出,为让建筑物质量提高,满足人民群众的需求,施工企业引入注浆施工技术来对墙体裂缝实施修复,这方法的运用使墙体裂缝产生的概率大大的降低。同时注浆技术是一项历史悠久的技术,以其自身的优越特征在国内外的建筑中都获得了普遍的运用。  【关键词】建筑土木工程;注浆技术;应用  由于受建筑整体承重与建