Defects in aluminum foam with superfine open-cell structure

来源 :China Foundry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lingling850502
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The infiltration casting process for producing aluminum foam includes three steps:preparingprecursor using NaCl particles,infiltrating molten aluminum and cleaning NaCl precursor.Defects occur during thepreparation of aluminum foam with superfine open-cell structure,and influence the pore structure and performanceof aluminum foam materials.The types of the defect and their forming mechanisms are analyzed in this paper.The defects include point defects and linear metal defects,and are caused by the defects in salt precursor and theinsufficient infiltration of molten aluminum into precursor.With the choice of proper precursor preparation methodand infiltration process parameters,the complete aluminum foam with superfine pores could be achieved. The infiltration casting process for producing aluminum foam includes three steps: preparing precursor using NaCl particles, infiltrating molten aluminum and cleaning NaCl precursor. Detection of the aluminum foam with superfine open-cell structure, and influence the pore structure and performance of aluminum foam materials. The types of the defect and their forming mechanisms are analyzed in this paper. The defects include point defects and linear metal defects, and are caused by the defects in salt precursor and the inefficient infiltration of molten aluminum into precursor .With the choice of proper precursor preparation methodand infiltration process parameters, the complete aluminum foam with superfine pores could be achieved.
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