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一、从经营者的“复制功能”谈起 企业内部存在一种个体特征的“复制”或趋向的现象。“复制”现象中的特征施加方(简称施体)是经营者,特征接受方(简称受体)是其它企业成员,“复制”的内容则显然不是指经营者的形体特征,而是指经营者的其它个体特征。企业内部的这种“复制”现象亦指企业的经营者具有某种将自我某方面个体特征向外“复制”的功能。一般人对企业内部的这种“复制”现象或多或少有些感性认识,但深刻认识的人则不多。笔者将企业内部这种以经营者为施体的个体特征的“复制”现象归纳为以下几种:1、素质特征的趋向。例如,如果经营者素质高,则其他企业成员的素质也总体趋向于素质偏高;反之,亦相反。2、行为状态特征的趋向。这里的行为状态特征特定的含义,指企业成员是否以企业资产保值、增值为目标来行事。如果经营者以企业资产保值、增值为目标行事,则其他企业成员也总体倾向于按企业资产保值、增值目标行事;反之,如果经营者有偏离企业资产保值、增值目标的行为倾向,则其他企业成员也将极可能有这种倾向。3、以上两种是相同方面个体特征的“复制”现象,这一种是不同方面个体特征的交叉“复制”现象。例如,如果经营者素质低,不仅易导致其它企业成员素质偏低,也易导致其它企业成员偏离企业? I. Talking about the “copying function” of the operators. There is a phenomenon of “copying” or tending to individual characteristics within the company. The feature-applying party (abbreviated as donor body) in the “copying” phenomenon is the operator, and the feature-receiving party (recipient for short) is a member of other enterprises. The “copying” content obviously does not refer to the physical characteristics of the operator, but refers to the operation. Other individual characteristics. This phenomenon of “replication” within an enterprise also means that a business operator has a function of “replicating” an individual’s individual characteristics from one aspect to another. Most people have more or less perceptive knowledge of this kind of “copying” phenomenon within the enterprise, but not many people have a deep understanding. The author summarizes the phenomenon of “copying” of the individual characteristics of the enterprise as the donor body within the company as follows: 1. The trend of quality characteristics. For example, if the operators are of high quality, the quality of other enterprise members will generally tend to be of higher quality; otherwise, the opposite will be true. 2, the trend of behavioral characteristics. The specific meaning of the behavioral status feature here refers to whether the company members act on the objective of maintaining or adding value to the company’s assets. If the managers act on the objective of maintaining and increasing the value of corporate assets, other corporate members generally tend to act according to the value of the assets of the company and value-added objectives; conversely, if the managers have a tendency to deviate from the values ​​of the company’s assets and value-added objectives, other companies Members will also most likely have this tendency. 3. The above two types are the “replication” phenomenon of individual characteristics in the same area. This is the phenomenon of crossover “copying” of individual characteristics in different aspects. For example, if the quality of managers is low, not only will the quality of other companies’ members be low, but it will also easily lead to deviations from other companies?
我父亲因为喉癌而被迫接受了放射治疗法。这次治疗的一个严重的副作用是他的味觉被完全损坏了,他无法品出任何食物的味道。味觉的丧失,使得父亲原本享受美食的行为变成了令人生厌的、为了活着而必须履行的责任。  医生告诉他,待放疗结束后,味觉会慢慢恢复的,但没有人知道究竟何时能够恢复。  數周过去了,数月过去了。在这些日子里,每一次进餐,对我父亲而言都是一种痛苦而无奈的例行公事。在吃了长达一年的无滋无味的饭食
本研究比较MRI与MDCT对腹主动脉瘤血管内修补(EVAR)后内漏的检出效果。43例病人于EVAR后1周内接受MRI(2D T1-FFE平扫和增强;3D三期对比增强)和16层MDCT(平扫和双期增强)检查